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Chapter 15.2: Scientific Revolution

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1 Chapter 15.2: Scientific Revolution
EQ’s: Who were the famous philosophers and scientists of the Scientific Revolution and what new theories/methods and inventions did they create? What was the impact of scientific rationalism on the Church and on political thought?

2 Q1: Scientific Revolution
Scientific Revolution = Period of time in 1500’s when people questioned accepted views of the world

3 Q2: Geocentric Theory Aristotle ( BC) theorized Earth was center of universe Geocentric Theory = Earth is center of universe (Sun and other planets all revolve around Earth) 500 yrs later an astronomer, Ptolemy (TAHL*uh*mee), agreed with and expanded on Aristotle’s views Claimed moon and stars move in small orbits of their own – while also revolving in bigger orbit around Earth

4 Q3: Heliocentric Theory
In 1500s Nicolaus Copernicus challenged Ptolemy’s geocentric theory Copernicus reasoned stars, Earth, and other planets revolved around the sun, which did not move Heliocentric Theory = Sun is the center of the universe (planets revolve around the Sun)


6 Different Theories

7 Q4: Kepler German man, Johannes Kepler, studied Copernicus’ theory
Kepler realized planet’s orbit around Sun was an oval, not a circle Kepler able to prefect mathematical laws describing movements of planets around Sun


9 Heliocentric Theory

10 Theories of the Universe Believed Heliocentric
Ptolemy Copernicus Kepler Theory was built off Aristotle’s Believed the Earth was the center of the universe. Believed the sun was the Center of the universe. HELIOCENTRIC Believed Heliocentric Theory He believed the planets orbited In an oval shape method. Geocentric Theory

11 FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Believing the New Theory
There had been two major sources of European thinking about the natural world for 100’s of years: God/Bible Aristotle (Greek philosopher) After so many years of believing geocentric theory as truth and the position of the church it was hard for people to accept Copernicus/Kepler’s discoveries at first Aristotle

12 Q5: Galileo Galileo studied Copernicus’ theories
Invented telescope able to look at stars more closely Galileo believed scientific thought should be based on observation and experimentation

13 FOR YOUR INFORMATION: More on Galileo
Challenged idea heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones Conducted experiments to show it doesn’t matter what weight of object is, all objects fall at same speed Galileo

14 Galileo

15 Q6: Newton English scientist Isaac Newton combined ideas of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo into 1 theory All physical objects affected by same force – gravity Newton called his theory the Universal Gravitation Theory Newton, like Galileo, believed observation and experimentation was significant in scientific thought Isaac Newton

Isaac came up with his Universal Gravitation Theory while sitting under an apple tree and watched an apple fall from the tree Also famous for hypothesizing about light and how it works

17 Newton

18 Q7: The Microscope Zacharias Janssen invented microscope in 1590
Invention of microscope enabled scientist Anton van Leeuwenhoek to discover bacteria

19 Q8: The Thermometer Thermometer measures temperature changes
First invented by Galileo, later improved by scientist named Farenheit to mercury thermometer we still use today

20 Q9: The Barometer Invented in 1643
Barometer is an instrument used to measure air pressure Helps to predict the weather

21 Q10: Bacon and Descartes Bacon and Descartes - famous 1600s scientists & philosophers with important views on problem-solving Descartes emphasized use of reason – believing every idea should be doubted until proved through reason Bacon urged experimentation to discover knowledge not just reason

22 Q11: Bacon’s Scientific Method
Bacon believed scientists should use experiments and observation Came up with approach to do this called scientific method 1. Observing and describe subject 2. Form hypothesis 3. Test hypothesis in experiment 4. Interpret results to draw conclusion Sir Francis Bacon


24 Q12: Impact of Scientific Rationalism
Scientific Rationalism = Ideas of Descartes and Bacon (Experiment and Reason) Scientific Rationalism lead to decreased power in Church as people begin to believe in ability to think for themselves Scientific Rationalism affects political thought as some political thinkers begin to look for new forms of government

25 Summary Write a 12 to 15 sentence summary on answering the EQ’s
Remember the EQ’s are: Who were the famous philosophers and scientists of the Scientific Revolution and what new theories/methods and inventions did they create? What was the impact of scientific rationalism on the Church and on political thought? Note: To receive full credit you must discuss both Heliocentric and Geocentric theories as part of your answer for question 1!!!

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