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Welcome to Back to School Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night

2 While you wait. . . Please complete the following form:
If you have nothing to add in a section, please write N/A or none.

3 School Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

4 A little bit about me. . . I graduated from LaSalle University with a degree in Elementary and Special Education. I have a Masters Degree with a Literacy Specialist certificate from Holy Family.

5 A little bit about me. . . This will be my 11th year teaching, but I had a 9 year break in between. I taught 5th and 6th grades at Sol Feinstone for 5 years. I was a Literacy Specialist from : I have worked at Goodnoe, Newtown, & Churchville. This is my second year in 6th grade. I am married with 4 kids and a dog!



8 Goals this year I want to educate the whole child: academically, socially, and emotionally. I want students to want to come to school and to take care of each other. I want your children to feel prepared to take on middle school.

9 What is important to me as a teacher
All students can be successful in my classroom. Students will take on more responsibility for their learning. (Calendar; Assignment Book) Behavior: Students should behave because it’s the right thing to do. Logical consequences when students are not doing what is expected.

10 What is important to me as a teacher
Communication: Expect to hear from me with a regular on Fridays. Friday Folder: all tests from the week will be in the folder/envelope; Please sign the tests and the outside Parent Google Classroom: I will home directions on Friday. Conferences: Look for a Sign Up Genius Please or call with concerns

11 What is important to me as a teacher
Homework Reading Writing Math Studying

12 Curriculum Language Arts: Collections Math: Glencoe Math
Students will switch for Science and Social Studies Social Studies: Mr. Hinchey Science: Ms. Cooke (Genetics and Levers/Pulleys) Mrs. Chiliberti (Variables and Astronomy)

13 Recommendations For Middle School
Sent home in late February/March Think about what you want for your child--we will begin discussing at conferences Based on criteria from the Middle Schools PSSA scores ELA testing RI progress Work habits

14 And Some Fun Too! Field Trips (clearances: CRSD~Admin~HR~Volunteer Procedures Special 6th Grade Activities: Boo-ography (pumpkins are out in stores), Cookie Bake, Fair 6th Grade Track Meet Parties

15 Meet Our Homeroom Parents
Thank you to. . . Tracey Pereborow Kim Sullivan &

16 One More Video

17 Thank You! Together. . . we will make this a great year!

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