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Notes: Parts of all cells

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1 Notes: Parts of all cells
Cell Membrane A thin membrane around the cell that allows only certain materials to enter and leave, provides protection, support, & allows the cell to communicate with other cells. Semi-permeable When only some things can enter or pass, and some things cannot. Cytoplasm A fluid gel-like mixture that fills the cell to help keep shape, suspends organelles, and is the site for many biochemical reactions of the cell. Cytosol The internal fluid of the cell, and a large part of cell metabolism occurs here. Ribosome A small organelle where proteins are made (does not have a cell membrane like other organelles). DNA  Molecules It contains the genetic instructions that cells need to make proteins.

2 Organelles Nucleoid or Nucleus Parts ALL cells have
Different parts of a cell that function to provide the cell with what it needs. Nucleoid or Nucleus Where DNA is found in a cell Parts ALL cells have Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm, Rybosomes, DNA

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