Welcome to Back to School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School
Night Westbrook Park September 13, 2018 Tara Markowitz 2-20

2 Expectations Of Second Graders Second Graders should:
Greet adults and peers Say please and thank you Use appropriate voice in school Be kind to all classmates Work cooperatively with peers Listen to teacher and peers Raise hand and take turns speaking Help keep our classroom neat Select a book (5 finger rule) Read for 15 minutes independently Complete homework with some help Line up without talking Walk quietly in the hallway


4 Homework There is homework every night Mon.-Thurs.
Some assignments will require your assistance. Please point out any errors and allow the child to complete the assignment. A weekly assignment sheet will be sent home in the homework folder. Please leave the sheet in the front clear pocket and sign that you have checked over the homework each night. If your child does not complete homework, please send a note and have them complete the next night. Your child must read for 15 minutes every night. The reading log can be found in the front of the yellow homework book. Students who do not complete the homework will work on it during Fun Friday. Students who complete all homework and reading logs for the month will receive a super student, a WOW, and a special treat.

5 For Your Information Be sure to check out the website- Behavior- Please read Parent Handbook for school rules, discipline plan and consequences. Clip It Behavior Plan- See attached Sheet Bathroom Breaks- Students are permitted to use the bathroom anytime during the school day with the exception of when I’m teaching a lesson. Wednesday Folders- Will be sent through . The information can also be found on the website in The Wednesday Folder Image. Birthdays-We love to celebrate birthdays! Recess/Lunch- We have recess/lunch at 12:30-1:15.

6 For Your Information Money- If your child is bringing in money, please be sure you label it in an envelope or baggie. Snack- We will have a working morning snack. Please send something healthy. Water bottles but no other drinks in the classroom for snack. Absent Notes-Send in with your child when they return to school. Brain Breaks- I plan to give the students quick 5-10 minute movement breaks. I would like to do this everyday. We use stretching, group activities and GoNoodle. After School Tutoring- After school tutoring will be offered to students in Second Grade with no fee. More information will be coming. Goal Setting- A goal will be set for your child based on the beginning of the year Dibels and Map testing. We will go over the goal at a conference.

7 Daily Routine

8 Academics Reading/Lang. Arts – Harcourt Story Town Math -Go Math!
*See Website Letter for suggested optional activities Math -Go Math! Chapters 1 & 2: Number Sense and Place Value (to 1,000) Chapter 3: Addition & Subtraction Chapter 4: 2-Digit Addition (with regrouping) Chapter 5: 2-Digit Subtraction (with regrouping) Chapter 6: 3-Digit Addition & Subtraction Chapter 7: Money & Time Chapters 8 & 9: Length in Customary & Metric Units Chapter 10: Data Chapter 11: Geometry & Fractions Social Studies - Our Community Science Changes Balancing and Weighing Butterflies MTSS – interventions for Math and Reading

9 Reading and Language Arts (90 minutes daily)
Whole Group Instruction Active Student Engagement Oral Language Read Aloud Word Wall Phonics Comprehension ROBUST VOCABULARY Grammar Guided Reading Groups Centers Independent Work Writing

10 Math Go Math Student Workbooks Math Homework Practice Books
Math Centers Manipulatives Math Wall/Vocabulary Sumdog.com XtraMath for fact drill See Website List Suggestions: Use analog and digital clocks in the house as well as coins to identify and count. MATH FACTS ADDITION AND SUBTRACTON


12 Special Days 9:15-9:45 A – Art B – Music C – P.E. D- Library

13 Communication tmarkowitz@upperdarbysd.org Phone 610 626-9363 Notes
address: Phone Notes Wednesday Folder information will be ed to you and can also be found on the webpage. *My is open at all times throughout the day, so feel free to message me at any time. 

14 Questions and Comments?
Thank you for your time!

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