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Revision Techniques Mind Maps Follow us: @ecsrevison Revise_eastbury.

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Presentation on theme: "Revision Techniques Mind Maps Follow us: @ecsrevison Revise_eastbury."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision Techniques Mind Maps Follow us: @ecsrevison Revise_eastbury

2 Rationale A mind map is an easy way to get information into and out of our brain. quick and it works taking notes that are not boring best way of coming up with ideas and planning projects

3 Mind Maps Your brain thinks in colours and pictures What pops into our head if I say the word? HOUSE

4 Mind Maps Would it be a printout of the word, written in a line across the page or would you get a picture in your mind

5 Mind Map It was the picture

6 Blank paper – landscape Coloured pens Your brain
All you need… Blank paper – landscape Coloured pens Your brain

7 How to make a Mind Map Draw a picture in the middle of the paper that sums up your main topic/subject

8 Draw some thick lines from the picture to show your main ideas
How to make a Mind Map Draw some thick lines from the picture to show your main ideas Attic Bedroom Bathroom Lounge Hall Kitchen

9 Now add some pictures to aid your memory
How to make a Mind Map Now add some pictures to aid your memory Attic Bedroom Bathroom Lounge Hall Kitchen

10 Mind Map You can add in extra lines – like the branches of a tree to extend your ideas.

11 Mind Map yourself Take a sheet of A4 paper – landscape Draw a picture of your face in the middle with 5 branches coming out. Complete your mind map like this one to show your LIKES

12 Mind Map Finish at home ANIMALS Cat Dog

13 Next week…. What can Mind Maps do for you? Bring your mind map about yourself to class next week

14 Which statement/ word in this mind map is the most important when revising?

15 Creating mind maps through text……..
The Five pillars of Islam The five pillars of Islam give strength and structure to the Islamic faith. The first pillar is called Shahadah. The is the statement of faith which is said every. This is important because it reminds Muslims of their faith in God. The second pillar is salah (prayer). Muslims must pray five times per day. Muslims pray five times because this is a command from God and was carried out by Prophet Muhammad. Praying helps Muslims to be closer to God. Another pillar is called Sawm. This is when Muslims fast and go without food during the month of Ramadan. Muslims fast to show empathy towards the poor and become closer to God. Another pillar of Islam is Zakah (charity). It is the duty of every Muslim to give 2.5% of their earnings to charity. The fifth pillar of Islam is called hajj. This is the pilgrimage (holy journey) made by Muslims to Makkah in Saudi Arabia. Muslims must make this journey at least once in their lives.

16 The Five pillars of Islam
Use the following 6 steps to create your own mind map: The Five pillars of Islam The five pillars of Islam give strength and structure to the Islamic faith. The first pillar is called Shahadah. The is the statement of faith which is said every. This is important because it reminds Muslims of their faith in God. The second pillar is salah (prayer). Muslims must pray five times per day. Muslims pray five times because this is a command from God and was carried out by Prophet Muhammad. Praying helps Muslims to be closer to God. Another pillar is called Sawm. This is when Muslims fast and go without food during the month of Ramadan. Muslims fast to show empathy towards the poor and become closer to God. Another pillar of Islam is Zakah (charity). It is the duty of every Muslim to give 2.5% of their earnings to charity. The fifth pillar of Islam is called hajj. This is the pilgrimage (holy journey) made by Muslims to Makkah in Saudi Arabia. Muslims must make this journey at least once in their lives. Decide on the information you would like to include in your mind map. Underline 5 – 10 important key words from the information and place this onto your mind map. Choose 3 – 5 words to describe your key words in detail. Create links between information on your mindmap. Use colour (green for similarities / blue for differences) Add images. Answers for optional green pen peer marking and feedback or class discussion

17 Now place your selected information onto your mind map (The first pillar of Islam has been done for you) Said every day Statement of faith 1) Shahadah Pillars of Islam Reminds Muslims to be close to God Students apply skills to construct mind map

18 Class Discussion Now you have had a go…… What are your thoughts?
What do you like about it? When do you think you may use it in the future?

19 Complete your own mind maps to support your revision in other subject of your choice. These are great for summarising topics!! Tag us in your completed work - prizes will be given for the best

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