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FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM Declaration Of Faith Declaration Of Faith Prayer Prayer Charity Charity Fasting Fasting Pilgrimage Pilgrimage.

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Presentation on theme: "FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM Declaration Of Faith Declaration Of Faith Prayer Prayer Charity Charity Fasting Fasting Pilgrimage Pilgrimage."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM Declaration Of Faith Declaration Of Faith Prayer Prayer Charity Charity Fasting Fasting Pilgrimage Pilgrimage

2 Declaration Of Faith (SHAHADAH) There is no God but Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is his messenger.

3 Before sunrise After Midday Afternoon Sunset Night time PRAYER FIVE TIMES A DAY (SALAH)

4 CHARITY (ZAKAH) 2.5% of excess wealth 2.5% of excess wealth £1000 in the bank for over a year you would have to give £25 to charity £1000 in the bank for over a year you would have to give £25 to charity

5 FASTING (SAWN) No Food to be eaten between the hours of Sunrise and Sunset for the month of Ramadan

6 PILGRIMAGE (HAJJ) To visit the Holy city of Makkah at least once in your lifetime if possible.











17 Badshahi mosque, Lahore, Pakistan

18 Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem

19 Blue mosque, Istanbul

20 Sulaymaniye mosque

21 Masjid-e-nabi (Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mosque, Madinah)

22 Jama mosque, Delhi, India

23 Le Grande Mosque du Paris, France

24 Islamic Centre, Michigan, America

25 Where is this one?

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