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“Your Key To Success in Science”

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Presentation on theme: "“Your Key To Success in Science”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Your Key To Success in Science”

2 Allows you to be like a REAL SCIENTIST!
What is An Interactive Notebook? A interactive notebook (INB) your own personalized DIARY of learning about science A portfolio of your work in ONE convenient spot. This is great for studying for upcoming quizzes & tests A great ORGANIZATIONAL tool that gives you permission to be PLAYFUL AND CREATIVE in your responses without "messing up" your notes. Allows you to be like a REAL SCIENTIST!

3 Drawings/Illustrations Poems, Rap Songs Cartoons/Comics Lab Analysis
Examples of Assignments Science Foldables Bell Ringers Graphic Organizers Drawings/Illustrations Poems, Rap Songs Cartoons/Comics Lab Analysis Exit Slips

4 NO MARKERS! Glue or glue stick (2 PER MONTH) Scissors
Science Notebook Supplies Glue or glue stick (2 PER MONTH) Scissors Erasable pens & pencils colored pencils HIGHLIGHTER NO MARKERS! 4

5 The words: Interactive Science Notebook
Getting Started The name of the course: Physical Science The words: Interactive Science Notebook The class period that you have science: Period 1, for example Your name: (self explanatory) TWO OR MORE SCIENCE PICTURES: You can draw, get from magazine or Internet. Decorate it, make it yours!

6 Starting with the 1st page, number the first 50 pages
Starting with the 1st page, number the first 50 pages. The 1st page is 1. Numbers should be small and at the bottom outside corner of every page. Odd on the right side and even on the left page. 3 Lab Coat Activity Course Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 6


8 At the top of page 1, write: Table of Contents Title your three
columns: Date Title/unit Page # Start your first entry on PAGE 9 (yours should look like my example) Date Title Pg # 8/ Lab Coat 8/ ISN Guidelines 8/ Edmodo C of C 8/ INB Guidelines 8

9 At the bottom of PAGES 2-5 write Table of Contents.
Divide each page into 3 columns: Date, Title, Page # Page 6 – Classroom Policies Page 7 – Edmodo Code of Conduct Page 7 – INB Guidelines TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Class Policies Edmodo Code of Conduct 4 5 6 7

10 Page 11 – complete vocabulary
Page 9 - complete your first assignment, don’t forget to include in your table of contents Page 10 - you will be gluing your notes when er have completed the chapter Page 11 – complete vocabulary Technology Log Science Notebook Rubric Benchmark and Essential Question INB Guidelines 8 10 11 9 10

11 Achievement Target on back page
Glue the list of prefixes Using the last page, create a folder to place notes and incomplete foldables. You should also keep an envelope there. Glue a ribbon on the back cover as a bookmark

12 No RIPPED OUT pages or torn corners
NOTEBOOK RULES No RIPPED OUT pages or torn corners No DOODLING that doesn’t relate to science Notebook should be used for SCIENCE CLASS ONLY NUMBER each page All entries must go into the Table of Contents BE COLORFUL & LOVE YOUR NOTEBOOK

13 Gizmos Period 1 8KGFJ8K72V Period 2 PL6KHBM475 Period 3 6B9MNYWLSS
Period 4 V627HAFU6M Period 5 H4D2K7QLM3 Period 6 WJBTHTCJPJ

14 Edmodo Honors Physical Science cg7fiz

15 Remind Honors Physical Science Text 81010 @2018hps

16 BrainPop Period 1: 337Ortiz1 Period 2: 337Ortiz2 Period 3: 337Ortiz3

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