EU Ecolabel Criteria for Flushing Toilets and Urinals

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1 EU Ecolabel Criteria for Flushing Toilets and Urinals
Aurélien Genty EUEB Meeting, Brussels, November 21-22, 2012 Joint Research Centre   The European Commission's in-house science service 

2 Outline Reasoning for ecolabelling flushing toilets and urinals
Update on EU Ecolabel process Update on product scope Update on criteria

3 General context Reasoning
Project objective: water saving in context of water scarcity (see Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Waters) Main domestic WuP: tapware and toilets LCA results confirm water consumption of flushing toilets and urinals as key environmental impact EU-27 domestic water consumption 3

4 Potential annual water savings of flushing toilets and urinals
Reasoning Potential annual water savings of flushing toilets and urinals Water saving (Mm³) Water saving (%) Domestic Toilets 10.0 5.1 % Nondomestic 20.8 5.8 % Urinals 6.2 9.9 % Total 30.8 5.5 % Improvement scenario: EU 27 Toilets and urinals: 20% of sales for a higher class of water efficiency (compared to BAU scenario) 4

5 Project timeline and deliverables for criteria development
Process Project timeline and deliverables for criteria development Scope and definitions Market analysis Technical analysis Criteria area Stakeholder consultation 1st AHWG Meeting 18 October 2011 Stakeholder feedback Project start Further consultation Criteria Proposal & Background Report 2nd AHWG Meeting 6-7 June 2012 Stakeholder feedback Work in progress towards 2nd draft proposal Further stakeholder consultation Criteria proposal for ISC and RC EUEB meeting RC vote NOW

6 Update on product scope
The product group ‘flushing toilets and urinals’ shall comprise: flushing toilet equipment including flushing toilet suites, toilet flushing systems and toilet receptacles, and urinal equipment including flushing urinal suites, flush-free urinals, urinal flushing systems and urinal receptacles.  Rationale to include receptacles (pans/bowls): Receptacles and flushing systems sold separately in many MS Receptacles chosen first by consumers (for design) Independent seats/covers not included but seats/covers as part of a suite or a receptacle are subject to the criteria (e.g. hazardous substances)  Rationale to exclude independent seats/covers: Functional unit different, which would require new LCA Do not achieve any water saving 6

7 Update and discussion points on criteria
Water efficiency Product performance Excluded or limited substances and mixtures Product longevity and warranty Design for recycling Installation and user information Information appearing on the EU Ecolabel Questions Update New Update Update Update Update 7

8 Criterion 1: Water efficiency
Criteria Criterion 1: Water efficiency Flushing toilets: Criteria 1(a): full flush volume of 6.0 l/flush Criteria 1(b): Equipped with water saving device Reduced flush volume of 3.0 l/flush Average flush volume of 3.5 l/flush (average: 1 full / 3 reduced)  Very selective requirements for flushing toilets:  Fits with all MS legislations while giving flexibility to adapt  New appendix for average flush volume methodology (no EN standard) Potential average Pass Fail Current market 3.5 l/flush 5/3 or below; (6/2.6 or below)* 6/3; 6 2-3 % 3.75 l/flush 6/3 or below 6 >50 % * Not yet on the market Questions: Do you agree with adding average flush volume for toilets? Do you agree with the 3 flush volume levels set for toilets? 8 8

9 Criterion 1: Water efficiency
Criteria Criterion 1: Water efficiency Flushing urinals: No change for criteria 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c): Flush volume ≤ 1.0 l/flush Equipped with individual on-demand flush control Equipped with adjusting device Rewording of assessment and verification in 1(b) Water saving  Selective requirements for flushing urinals which achieve the 10-20% Ecolabel target while considering potential drainage problems (urine stone formation) 9 9

10 Criterion 2: Product performance
Criteria Criterion 2: Product performance Criteria 2(a) on flushing systems and Criteria 2(b) on flush performance: Rewording but same requirements New Criteria 2(c) on flush-free urinals: Requirements added for flush-free urinals (based on American Standard since no EN standard available) 10 10

11 Criterion 3: Excluded or limited substances and mixtures (new)
Criteria Criterion 3: Excluded or limited substances and mixtures (new) Criteria 3(a): Hazardous substances and mixtures Standard text Derogation accepted: Criteria 3(b): Substances listed in accordance with article 59(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Articles with weight below 25 g All hazard statements and risk phrases Homogeneous parts of complex articles with weight below 25 g Nickel in stainless steel H351/372 and R40/48/25/24/23 Electronic components, which fulfil the requirements of Directive 2011/65/EU 11 11

12 Criteria 4 to 6 (renumbered)
Criterion 4: Product longevity and warranty Criterion 4(a)  Minor changes: … The applicant shall further ensure that original spare parts or their equivalent are available for at least ten years from the date of purchase. Criterion 4(b)  Better wording Criterion 5: Design for recycling  Better wording Criterion 6: User information  No change 12 12

13 Criterion 7 (renumbered): Information appearing on the EU Ecolabel
Criteria Criterion 7 (renumbered): Information appearing on the EU Ecolabel Updated proposal: High water efficiency and reducing wastewater With this ecolabelled product you save water and money Designed to facilitate repair and recycling 13 13

14 Comments To be sent:
Project website:

15 Thank you for your attention

16 Water scarcity in summer
Extra slides (1) Water scarcity in summer Now: 14 MS 2030: 18 MS 16

17 Water scarcity all year round
Extra slides (2) Water scarcity all year round Now: 13 MS 2030: 17 MS 17

18 Environmental impacts of various products (over lifetime)
Extra slides (3) Environmental impacts of various products (over lifetime) Product Other Resources & Waste Air Emissions Water Emissions Energy Electri-city Water (process) Water (cooling) Waste, non-haz. Waste, haz. GHG Acidifi-cation VOC POP Heavy metals PAHs PM Eutroph-ication MJ L g kg CO2 eq. g SO2 eq. ng i-Teq mg Ni eq. mg Hg/20 g PO4 WC suite 2,136 690 121,702 346 1,767 38 116 409 26 6 40 78 1,545 109 1 Flushing squat toilet 2,262 1,203 243,178 311 1,673 114 420 33 70 519 Wall-hung urinal 6,866 5,847 564,441 483 4,069 304 1,269 136 16 82 566 115 Flushing trough urinal 12,504 8,641 1,128,628 560 11,094 180 579 2,437 228 105 510 6,658 169 7 Flush-free urinal 1,383 211 3,204 255 1,657 64 254 5 4 13 23 569 9-piece dishwasher 32,527 26,744 49,473 69,242 90,095 2,742 1,516 9,331 27 554 2,827 212 1,867 1,822 4,636 12-piece dishwasher 38,736 31,885 52,210 83,092 107,722 2,718 1,826 11,101 37 669 4,018 322 3,697 2,385 4,916 5kg washing machine 38,100 34,692 153,782 91,005 109,153 1,325 1,779 10,714 35 655 3,155 360 3,612 1,833 41 Fridge-Freezer 54,739 50,483 4,559 135,918 147,140 3,993 2,492 14,995 44 764 2,094 1,569 4,554 1,348 63 32" LCD TV 28,397 25,719 2,242 66,641 49,120 7,212 1,281 7,372 336 727 377 1,965 15 42" PDP TV 59,383 55,775 5,118 142,134 120,881 9,278 2,678 16,267 46 836 1,675 821 1,796 858 34 29" CRT TV 26,234 22,997 1,793 60,582 78,877 7,643 1,191 7,390 235 315 996 1,132 2,647 350 12 Brass taps 90,175 90,057 172,438 240,143 107,563 2,140 3,938 23,240 627 1,639 184 539 589 3 Steel taps 90,186 90,069 172,492 240,152 105,386 2,139 3,941 23,251 598 1,697 181 542 645 Plastic showerheads 88,928 88,841 137,324 236,915 103,142 2,225 3,883 22,898 583 178 537 575 Metal showerheads 89,047 88,850 137,326 236,954 109,179 2,442 3,889 22,974 633 1,685 185 568 594 Upright vac. Cleaner 9,067 8,062 882 21,612 19,088 1,858 2,329 99 57 721 130 10 Canister vac. Cleaner 9,151 8,070 885 21,623 22,637 1,976 413 2,386 96 745 139 Battery vac. cleaner 5,504 4,607 617 12,397 13,631 1,500 252 1,370 147 226 39 624 89 8 Water (process) Large water use Volatile Organic Compound Associated with water use Particulates Transport (proportional to weight) 18

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