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Articles of Confederation Notes - page 1

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1 Articles of Confederation Notes - page 1
Federal Weak _________ Gov’t.  More power to States NO _______ Established __________ Body of National ___________ Firm League of __________ COULD NOT: Collect ________ Regulate _______ Raise an ________ COULD: Declare _______ Make ________________ Negotiate ___________ Resolve State ________ _____ Vote per state All 13 had to _____ for amendments Articles of Confederation State Powers King Congress Government “Friendship” Taxes Trade Army War Paper Money Treaties Disputes One agree

2 Articles of Confederation Notes - page 2
State Powers Con’t. Weaknesses & Problems Had power to: 1. ______________ 2. Give _____ to the __________________ 3. Control __________ Congress can’t raise $ to pay off _______ States issued own paper ________- caused confusion with _____________ commerce No Chief ______________ _________ b/c some states charged high taxes Congress can’t settle trade disputes Some Americans worried.. 1. ________ power might take over 2. States might __________ Collect Taxes $ Federal Gov’t. Trade Debt money interstate Executive Quarrels Foreign Separate

3 Articles of Confederation Notes - page 3
Shay’s Rebellion Massachusetts farmers angry with __________ Daniel ____ -Rev. War hero 1787  leads farmers to seize _________ Congress did NOT have _________ to help Question: Was the new national government so weak that farmers could take it over? Significance: Led to the _____________ _____________ high taxes Shay arsenal power Constitutional Convention

4 Famous Quote…. “We cannot exist long as a nation without having somewhere a power which will govern the whole union.” George Washington Answer the following at the bottom of your notes… 1. Who is Washington referring to when he writes “We cannot exist…”? 2. Explain Washington’s message in your own words. 3. Do you agree or disagree with his position? Explain why or why not.

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