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America and the War Chapter 26 Section 2.

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1 America and the War Chapter 26 Section 2

2 A. U.S. and War U.S. wanted to avoid war.
America First Committee formed, they were against US joining war in Europe. 1938: Roosevelt strengthens Navy. 1939: Neutrality Act: Could sell weapons on cash and carry basis. 1940: Roosevelt signed Selective Training and Service Act, first peacetime draft in history.

3 B. 1940 Election 1940: Roosevelt wins Third term as President.
Roosevelt promises to keep US out of war.

4 C. US Involvement Grows Roosevelt supports Allies. Allies: a. France
b. Great Britain c. China d. Russia Lend-Lease Act: Sell, lend or lease weapons to countries considered vital to defense of America. 4. America begins to fire on German ships after they attack British merchant ships.

5 D. The Atlantic Charter 1941: Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, Great Britain, planned goals for post war. Pledged that all nations would be able to choose gov’t and be free from fear. The urged disarmament, giving up of arms.

6 E. The Japanese Threat 1930’s- Japan seizes most of China
1940- seize French colony of Indochina. Planned to seize American territory of the Philippines.

7 F. America Responds Economic pressure on Japan
Froze all assets in American banks. Stopped sale of oil, gas and other resources. Japan outraged. Oct. 1941: General Hideki Tojo becomes Prime Minister of Japan. Tojo begins plan to attack America.


9 G. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii December 7, 1941
The Japanese attacked the military base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. American taken by surprise. Japan destroyed American Naval fleet in Hawaii. Battleships, cruisers and hundreds of planes destroyed.
















25 Roosevelt signs declaration of war.

26 H. Outcome of Pearl Harbor
More than 2300 soldiers, sailors and civilians were killed. Pearl Harbor was the worst defeat in American military history. Dec US declares war on Japan. Dec. 11, Germany, Italy and Japan declare war on the US. The US has entered World War II

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