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Moisture in the Atmosphere

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1 Moisture in the Atmosphere


3 What makes a Cloud? Moisture
Reduction in pressure or temperature causing condensation. Condensation nuclei - small particles in the atmosphere around which cloud droplets can form. Dust Salt Smoke

4 Cloud Formation Orographic lifting occurs when wind encounters a mountain and the air has no place to go but up. The air expands and cools resulting in cloud formation.

5 Orographic lifting occurring in Maui.

6 Cloud Formation Cloud formation occurs with the collision of air masses (fronts) of different temperatures. As fronts collide clouds form

7 Weather Map Warm air rises quickly and forms cumulonimbus clouds and thunderstorms (Sometimes tornados)




11 Stability How rapidly any given mass of air cools determines its stability. Stability is the ability of an air mass to resist rising. Latent heat is stored energy in water vapor that is not released to warm the atmosphere until condensation takes place.

12 How to Classify Clouds based on Height
Cirro – 6000 m or higher Alto – 2000m to 6000m Strato – below 2000m

13 How to Classify Clouds based on Shape
Cirrus – Thin and Wispy Latin – hair Cumulus – Puffy-flat bottom Latin – pile or heap Stratus – Sheet like Latin – layer Nimbus - Rain Latin - Cloud









22 Water Cycle The constant movement of water between the atmosphere and Earth’s surface. Evaporation – liquid to gas Condensation – formation of water droplettes Precipitation- Rain (Evapo)transpiration- plants loose water through stomata


24 The Water Cycle

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