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1098t User Manual 2018 Tax Year.

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1 1098t User Manual 2018 Tax Year

2 This user manual is very picture heavy.
We have tried to include a screen shot for every stage in the process, and found that navigating the document in Word format could be frustrating. To log in to the test server, navigate to: To log in to production, navigate to: Chrome is the recommended browser. If you have problems logging in after your first attempt, please clear your cookies and cache in the browser, then you will be able to log in normally.

3 To Navigate To The 1098t Upload Area
In the Left Hand Menu, select Bulk Imports. When the menu expands, you’ll see the 1098t Upload Area, where you will upload the files. To see the files after you have uploaded them, the Import Staging Area is in this menu as well.

4 Import File Page Once you select Import File, there’s a few drop down menus to choose from. First, for Upload Data Type, select Tax Form: 1098t. For Lender, select your institution. Pick a file to upload, and then under File Type, select if the file is a CSV, Excel file, fixed width, pipe separated or ZIP archive. Select if you want to be ed if the file uploads successfully, fails, or both, then hit the UPLOAD button on the bottom right.

5 Import Staging Area Once you upload the file, you’ll see the process of the file being uploaded in the IMPORT STAGING AREA. 13,000 records are taking an average of minutes to upload. Once the file’s progress bar is completed, you will be able to see the file when you pull it up with the FILTERS on the bottom of this page.

6 Import Filters Page Once the file is imported you can filter it by lender (University), a specific date range or just by selecting the last 7 days. You can also sort by the batch ID (the number on the left when the files were processing). This lets you more easily keep track of multiple uploads, or if you have multiple users in the data at the same time.

7 Import Filters Page Once you have filtered for the files you wish, you will see the preprocessed files. The number of errors are in red and are proceeded with a red triangle icon with an exclamation point in it. The warnings are in orange after the circle information icon with an “I” in it. Clicking on the number will take you to a module that will allow you to see the lines the errors are on, as long as there are less than 200 total errors. More than that, and you will need to download the errors.

8 Errors Module This screen will show you the errors and line numbers on your file. The line numbers are clickable hyperlinks that will allow you to edit the record directly.

9 Errors Module The fields that are causing the errors will be outlined in red, and editable. The fields that are warnings will be outlined in orange, and editable. Once you are done correcting the record, scroll to the bottom of the record and hit “submit” to save the changes.

10 Saving Changes Once you scroll down to the bottom of that module, you will see two buttons, Submit and Close. Submit will save the changes on that record. Close will close the record without saving changes.

11 Large Volume Errors If you have a large volume of errors, you have four options in the action wheel on the right. First, you can delete/purge the file. Next, you can download the original file. Third, you can download just the validation errors in a .TXT file Fourth, you can release with errors.

12 Downloaded Error Data The fields that are causing the errors will be in a .TXT record. You can see the line, column, and exact error for every record. The universal nature of .TXT will allow much easier movement of the data into a wide variety of systems. To import into Excel, choose Space Delineated. To import into other systems, please contact your IT department for support. You can also use the file as-is by CTRL+F and find the word “warning” or “error” to manually parse smaller files.

13 Revalidating Data Once you have updated the record of the small errors, if you wish you can revalidate the file without importing it again by selecting “Revalidate” from the action wheel.

14 Release The Data Once you have updated the record of the errors and revalidated it, you will get the option to release the file. Files will release with warnings.

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