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Alan Clarke Associate Director, ICT and Learning

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1 Alan Clarke Associate Director, ICT and Learning
E-guides Alan Clarke Associate Director, ICT and Learning

2 E-learning Key factors in implementing e-learning:
Staff skilled, knowledgeable and confident in the use of e-learning skills and pedagogy High Quality Content Access to technology and connectivity ICT and learning confident learners

3 E-guides Staff development programme for teachers, trainers and tutors in post 16 education Introduction to e-learning and the skills required to use technology effectively in teaching and learning in post-16 education. E-guides has been implemented in adult and community learning, libraries, work-based learning, voluntary and community sector and offender learning and skills. Supported by LSC and Quality Improvement Agency.

4 Aim The programme aims to improve teaching and learning by increasing the effective use of e-learning in all areas, by developing the skills and knowledge of E-Guides to support colleagues in their use of technology.

5 Objectives Within the training itself, the objectives are to:
explore the role of E-Guides develop skills in the use of technology throughout the learner journey consider and plan models of cascade training, coaching and mentoring provide E-Guides with resources for developing e-learning with their colleagues in their organisations.

6 What are the benefits of the programme?
New teaching approaches and perspectives to share with colleagues. Enables ongoing networking, support from communities of practice, and access to further training events (RSC and NIACE partnership). Small grants have been provided to support cascade of expertise Senior Management support is required to ensure that the whole organisation benefits from E-Guides training. Opportunity for accreditation of learning.

7 Learning outcomes As a result of attending the training, the participant will be able to: enhance the effective use of e-learning across their organisation identify appropriate applications of e-learning throughout the learner journey produce interactive learning content and support colleagues to develop interactive e-resources coach and mentor colleagues in their application of e-learning to their practice.

8 Structure 2 day Core programme – e-learning fundamentals
1 day – content creation and mentoring/cascade Online resources – Moodle VLE and study groups Networking and support often through Regional Support Centres National Conference – share good practice and developments – 13th March

9 Accreditation Level 3 Certificate in Educational Use of ICT - awarding body EDI (formerly JEB) Portfolio based  £90 cost. 

10 Associated Developments
Online learning: 1. Application of Online Learning Two compulsory modules and one optional module. Each module should take around 10 hours to complete. Module 1: Introduction to e-learning (compulsory) Module 2: Widening participation (optional) Module 3: Developing online programmes (optional) Module 4: Personalised online support (optional) Module 5: Evaluation and assessment (compulsory)

11 Associated Developments
Online learning: 2. Training for Trainers 3. Exploring Successful Learning Online

12 Summary nearly 2000 trained e-guides
15,000 other staff trained by e-guides national and regional networks of mutual support Online learning and other developments Flexible model

13 Contact

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