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Read the Following Quote

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1 Read the Following Quote
Read the Following Quote. “The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop.” – George Washington Is Washington describing cooperation or isolation? How does he feel about political relations with foreign nations?

2 Treaties Main Idea: In the 1790’s the new government struggled to keep peace at home and avoid war abroad.

3 Treaties Why aspect of government policies do treaties fall under?
What cabinet member handles foreign affairs? Who is responsible for ratifying or passing treaties? Why do nations create treaties?

4 1st Groups Group 2 Zane Kody Kristal Chase Group 1 Chanler Weston
Brett Brandon Group 3 Katelynn Dale Payton Logan Group 4 Ashten Ben Justin Aries

5 2nd Groups Group 4 Brett Chase Katelynn Ben Group 1 Chanler Zane Logan
Ashten Group 2 Weston Kody Dale Aries Group 3 Brandon Kristal Payton Justin

6 Treaty of greenville Native Americans agreed to stay to the north and west of the Treaty of Greenville Line and the Americans were to stay to the south and east.

7 Treaty of Greenville Flow of Americans into the region rapidly increased Ohio becomes a state in 1803

8 Jay’s Treaty Who was John Jay?

9 Jay’s Treaty An agreement between the United States and Britain where the US agreed to pay debts owed to British merchants In return the British agreed to: (1)pay for the ships it seized, (2)withdraw troops from the Northwest Territory, and (3)stop aiding Native Americans. Britain, however, refused to recognize the right of the US to trade with France and it refused to cease (stop) impressment of US sailors.

10 Jay’s Treaty: The Response
Angered Democratic-Republicans Democratic-Republicans claimed the US gave up too much and got too little Democratic-Republicans accuse the Federalists of being Pro-British Federalists liked the treaty because it kept peace with Britain Why would angering the British be a bad thing?

11 Jay’s Treaty: Long-Term Consequences
Washington agreed to implement the treaty 1. Prevented war with Great Britain 2. Protected the fragile American economy

12 Pinckney's Treaty The goal: Keep the United States happy so they do not join up with Britain against Spain Spain granted the United States the right to navigate the Mississippi River and to deposit goods at the port of New Orleans

13 Who would support Pinckney’s Treaty?

14 Pinckney's Treaty Won broad acceptance in the United States, especially among western farmers who wanted to use the Mississippi River to get crops to the market.

15 What do you think the goal of these treaties and this proclamation is?

16 Why do you think America tried to remain neutral?

17 Jay’s Treaty and France
France saw Jay’s Treaty as an American attempt to help the British in their war against France French seize American ships carrying cargo to Britain To avoid war Adams What was the XYZ affair? Why did American pass the Alien and Sedition Acts?

18 Battle of Fallen Timbers – August 1794
The French Agree to Stop Attacking US Ships British and France go to war Treaty of Greenville Adams Elected Navy Established Alien and Sedition Act Passed Proclamation of Neutrality Jay’s Treaty Pinckney’s Treaty The XYZ Affair

19 Do you think America tries to remain neutral today?

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