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Boreal Forests (Taiga) Biome Project

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1 Boreal Forests (Taiga) Biome Project
Ben Springer

2 Precipitation Range Precipitation in boreal forests is constant among seasons and averages between cm.

3 Temperature Range Summers are cool, and winters are very cold. Average year-round temperature is 0°C. Winter ranges from -54 to -1° C and summer temperatures range from -7° C up to 10°C. There is a large difference in temperature among seasons with the total temperature ranging from ° C to over 10 ° C.

4 Soil Characteristics Soil in boreal forests is thin and lacks the nutrients found in deciduous forests. There is a lack of a deep, organic soil profile. This is mostly caused by low temperatures.

5 Plant Adaptations Mostly coniferous evergreen trees which have very smooth, waxy, and thin needles as leaves to prevent water from escaping. Dark colored leaves help trees absorb more sunlight. They also don’t lose their leaves so they can photosynthesize all year. This is important because winters are cold and long. Trees are cone shaped in order to shed snow and access more sunlight.

6 Animal Adaptation Many animals in boreal forests grow thicker fur in the colder months to keep them warm as well as changes in its color to camouflage better. For example, Snowshoe Hares and Weasels are brown during the summer and white in the winter, to blend in with the snow. Many animals, like the Canada Lynx, have wide feet to spread their weigh when walking through snow.

7 Boreal forests are found in Northern areas between deciduous forests and tundra. Boreal forests make up much of southern and central Canada as well as Northern Europe and North/Central Asia. They are found between 50 and 60 degrees north Latitude. Locations

8 Special characteristics and sensitivities.
Boreal forests are the world’s largest land-based biome. Most boreal forests still remain intact, but they are threatened by global warming and are eaten away by logging, mining, and oil and gas development. Special characteristics and sensitivities.

9 Sources

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