Mrs. Albert’s Pre K 3 Classroom

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1 Mrs. Albert’s Pre K 3 Classroom

2 Our Home Away From Home • The Pre K 3 program is a unique program that blends the comforts of the home family with the care of the school family. and • The children are building a strong sense of school community from the youngest student to the graduate alumni. • God is present everywhere.

3 A Day in Pre K… Children enter each day to find their friends and teachers happy to see them each day. Quiet morning activities are available until the day officially begins with morning prayers. Children find their name tag star magnet and place it on the magnetic board to identify if they brought their lunch to school or if they are buying lunch at school.

4 Ready to Start Our Day Morning Opening: •Students sit on the ABC carpet for morning prayers, pledge of allegiance, attendance Independent Activity Time: • Students will rotate to activity areas. This fosters independent social skills.

5 Sharing our Faith Stories of God’s Love is a pamphlet each week that introduces children to Bible stories . Seeds is a pamphlet each week that focuses on the weekly Gospel readings.

6 Rotating Learning Centers
Literacy: letter recognition, Aa Bb Cc, sound symbol matching, finger plays, sequencing stories, retelling stories, memory match, and SMART Table activities. Math: counting, identifying & ordering numbers, matching symbol to number, patterns ABAB or ABBABB. Science: investigation, experiments, utilizing the 5 senses, seasons, weather.

7 Specials Library: Monday or Thursday Gym: Thursday or Friday
Mrs. Atkins our school Librarian comes to our classroom to read books. Gym: Thursday or Friday Gym uniform: STA sweatshirt, sweatpants, tee shirt, sneakers (see classroom website for Gym and Library schedules)

8 Teaching Assistants Miss Reneson and Mrs. Hannon are the teaching assistants for Pre-K 3. The teaching assistants are involved in all aspects of your child’s day. You will find them working in learning centers, singing silly songs, acting out the letters of the alphabet, and so much more. They are truly a blessing to the Pre-K 3 program.

9 Lunch & Nap Lunch: Students eat in the main cafeteria. They have the option to buy lunch or bring their lunch from home. If they buy their lunch it is waiting for them at their assigned seat. Refer to the web site for the lunch menu Nap: Students nap every day after lunch. There is no nap on Wednesday in the classroom. If your child attends aftercare he/she will nap in aftercare.

10 Religion Every Day… Every Where…Any Time
Classroom Intentions: The Intentions or Rules help us to follow the teachings of Jesus and to choose love. They are posted under the crucifix. Daily review helps the students put their faith into action. Service Project: A child centered project focused on reaching out to the community to help others, and share the message of Jesus that “all are welcome in this place.” Catholic Social Teachings: Learning how to treat & respect others.

11 Music & Movement Songs & finger plays are part of our every day learning. “Way Up High in an Apple Tree” The theme of the week always has a finger play or rhyme to learn. Our ABC Sing Along Flip Chart introduces the letter of the week using rhymes and songs. These songs are set to catchy tunes.

12 Additional Supplies Tissues Paper towels Baby wipes-non scented
Wet Ones Clorox Wipes Thank you for your help

13 Uniforms

14 Helpful Hints Socks and tights-white, burgundy, grey
No frills and no logos. Headbands and bows white, burgundy, grey Save nail polish for the weekends Please have a change of clothes and shoes in your child’s cubby for those unexpected moments.

15 Thank You! Our Home Away From Home
Thank you for your continued support of St. Thomas the Apostle School... Our Home Away From Home

16 When in doubt??? Check the web site out!
Pre K 3 Web site (under Academics tab) Thursday School Activities Updates

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