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2 South African Astronomical Observatory / Southern African Large Telescope SALT Collateral Benefits Programme Kevin Govender: African Science Communication Conference South Africa, 2009

3 –International Year of Astronomy Worldwide –IYA in South Africa –IYA in Africa –Developing Astronomy Globally Overview


5 Millennium Development Goals GOAL 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger GOAL 2: Achieve universal primary education GOAL 3: Promote gender equality and empower women GOAL 4: Reduce child mortality GOAL 5: Improve maternal health GOAL 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases GOAL 7: Ensure environmental sustainability GOAL 8: Develop a global partnership for development

6 War (slide 1 of 2)

7 War (slide 2 of 2)

8 Religions (slide 1 of 2)

9 Religions (slide 2 of 2)

10 Fundamentalism (slide 1 of 2)

11 Fundamentalism (slide 2 of 2)



14 Vision Celebration To help the citizens of the world rediscover their place in the Universe through the day and night time sky, and thereby engage a personal sense of wonder and discovery A global celebration of astronomy and its contributions to society and culture, highlighted by the 400th anniversary of the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo. International Year of Astronomy 2009

15 Goals Increase scientific awareness. Promote widespread access to new knowledge and observing experiences. Empower astronomical communities in developing countries. Support and improve formal and informal science education. Provide a modern image of science and scientists. Facilitate new networks and strengthen existing ones. Improve the gender-balanced representation of scientists at all levels and promote greater involvement by underrepresented minorities in scientific and engineering careers. Facilitate the preservation and protection of the worlds cultural and natural heritage of dark skies and historical astronomical sites. International Year of Astronomy 2009

16 Global Cornerstone Projects

17 Astronomy for all

18 An event 400 years in the making

19 The beauty of science

20 Universal Treasures

21 Seeing in the dark

22 Millions looking at the sky

23 A one-stop universe of news

24 The life of an astronomer

25 Breaking down misconceptions

26 Teaching the Teachers

27 One place in the universe

28 Global Cornerstone Projects vs IYA Goals

29 137 National Nodes 95 National Websites 33 Organisational Nodes 11 Cornerstone Projects 11 Special Task Groups 9 Special Projects Thousands of people actively involved!


31 IYA2009 National Steering Committee –Mathoto Thaoge-Lefyedi (Dept of Science and Technology) –Kim de Boer (Square Kilometre Array SA / Karoo Array Telescope) –Marion West (Hartbeeshoek Radio Astronomy Observatory) –Lorenzo Raynard (SA Agency for Science and Technology Advancement) –Peter Martinez (Astronomical Society of SA / Space Science Community) –Kevin Govender (SA Astronomical Observatory / Southern African Large Telescope)

32 –Astronomy outreach stakeholder meetings –Survey of astronomy education and outreach –AstroNet email list –Website –Consolidation of astronomical resources –AstroGuide –AstroCD –Essential Astronomy Outreach Training Workshops –Astronomy to-do list –Calls for proposals Roadmap of IYA2009 in SA FUNDRAISING

33 –Astronomy content at every science festival/event –Regular star parties across the country –Telescopes in public venues –DOE approved astronomy resources distributed nationally –Astronomy outreach kit in all science centres (with workshopped staff) –(telescope, laser, guidelines, software, reference material, etc) –Telescopes in most Dinaledi schools –National science week astronomy focus (Launch in Northern Cape) –Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2010 in Cape Town, SA Future IYA2009 in SA…

34 Sutherland Star Party

35 IYA2009 Launch at Eclipse

36 Astronomy in Africa (and developing regions)

37 Astronomy for Development Education (especially Maths and Science) Development of Research Public Understanding of Science Development of Partnerships Astro-tourism

38 African Facilities SALT / SAAO HESS HartRAO / MeerKAT


40 Theme Vision Astronomy for Education The continent of Africa, with an ever- growing astronomy research community, united in the fields of education and outreach, working together and sharing resources, such that the people of Africa are educated, especially in the fields of science, engineering and technology. A Plan for Africa

41 Core Missions Enhance the teaching and interest in Maths and Science in schools Enhance the teaching and research in astronomy in universities Increase the awareness and knowledge of science amongst the public Support and encourage an African network A Plan for Africa

42 Principles Encourage collaboration both nationally and internationally. Support and enhance rather than reinvent programmes. Ensure adequate monitoring, evaluation and quality assurance. Development and support of human resources Ensure sustainability at every stage A Plan for Africa

43 A plan for Africa by Africa 1.Algeria 2.Angola 3.Congo (Brazzaville) 4.Egypt 5.Ethiopia 6.Gabon 7.Kenya 8.Lesotho 9.Malawi 10.Mauritius 11.Morocco 12.Mozambique 13. Namibia 14. Nigeria 15. Rwanda 16. South Africa 17. Sudan 18. Swaziland 19. Tanzania 20. Tunisia 21. Uganda 22. Zambia 23. Zimbabwe Working Group for Astronomy in Africa 25 volunteers

44 Astronomy in Africa Survey Professional Universities, Academics, Astronomical Facilities Public Outreach programmes, Astronomy in media, Astronomy and science in general culture Schools Education programmes, Astronomy in classroom, Maths and science challenges

45 Astronomy in Africa Survey ProfessionalPublicSchools NigeriaPhase 2Phase 1 TanzaniaPhase 3Phase 2Phase 3 RwandaPhase 3Phase 4Phase 3 South AfricaPhase 1 MalawiPhase 3 UgandaPhase 3 MoroccoPhase 2 KenyaPhase 2Phase 3Phase 2 GabonPhase 3Phase 2Phase 3


47 Goals Use the momentum of IYA to stimulate the establishment and enhancement of regional structures/networks around the world that would focus on the development of astronomy. Ensure sufficient reach and benefit of IYA and other cornerstones to developing regions. Developing Astronomy Globally

48 Focus Areas IYA Cornerstone 11: Developing Astronomy GloballyDeveloping Astronomy Globally 1.Professional development: This will address tertiary education, research training and research infrastructure in order to build professional astronomy research capacity within the country. 2.Development of public understanding of astronomy: This will target the general public and take the form of activities and events that stimulate an interest in astronomy. This focus area includes the development of an amateur astronomy community. 3.School-level education development: This will address primary and secondary education. It will focus on taking astronomy to the classroom (e.g. GHOU) and beyond (e.g. younger children through UNAWE) to stimulate an interest in Mathematics and Science amongst young people.

49 Levels of Astronomy Development IYA Cornerstone 11: Developing Astronomy GloballyDeveloping Astronomy Globally Phase 1 countries would be well established countries with links to the IAU and functioning astronomy research and outreach communities. Phase 2 countries would have existing astronomy research and outreach communities but remain in need of support in order to get astronomy well established. Phase 3 countries would have a non-existent astronomy community but show strong potential in the form of physics/mathematics research and outreach communities who are willing to drive the development of astronomy. Phase 4 countries would have a non-existent astronomy community and would have limited potential for the development of such a community i.e. no research or outreach communities.

50 Regional Development Regions: (from IAU Commission 46) Region 1: North America Region 2: Latin America (including Central America and the Caribbean) Region 3: Europe Region 4: Middle East and North Africa Region 5: Sub-Saharan Africa Region 6: Central Asia Region 7: Far East and South-East Asia Region 8: Oceania (including Australia and New Zealand) IYA Cornerstone 11: Developing Astronomy GloballyDeveloping Astronomy Globally

51 Regional Development IYA Cornerstone 11: Developing Astronomy GloballyDeveloping Astronomy Globally International Office: headed by the co-ordinator - FTE 8 Regional Hubs: this would usually be a group of people in the region who have links with the IAU and a relatively well established astronomy programme Country Nodes: each country should have a team of people addressing the development of astronomy in their country – this team could be the same as the IYA national nodes Email Networks and Communication Structures: there would be 3 main networks that one would communicate with through email discussion lists, telecons, skypecasts, meetings, etc.: Regional Hubs Country Nodes Open network of individuals interested in development of astronomy

52 IYA Cornerstone 11: Developing Astronomy Globally Phase 1 countries (Well established) Phase 2 countries (In need of Support) Phase 3 countries (Non- existent with strong potential) Phase 4 countries (Non-existent with limited potential) Professional development - use as regional hub - Link with IAU network - Student/researcher exchange programmes co-ordinated by regional hubs - Provide guidance on student and research opportunities internationally (with clause to return to home country) - Combine with IAU Commission 46s TAD/ISYA/WWDA programmes - High level discussions with government departments of Science and Education - Explore astronomy status in neighbouring countries and likelihood of collaborations Development of public understanding of astronomy - use as regional hub - provide training for local champions - feed public info and stories to champions regularly - train facilitators to run public events - link with relevant cornerstones (e.g. 100 Hours) - training workshop on communicating astronomy to the public (involve IAU Commission 55) - link with activities of region - provide resources for public outreach - High level discussions with government department of Science - Explore potential in neighbouring countries and likelihood of collaborating School-level education development - use as regional hub - provide training for local champions - provide education resources and networks (link with Galileo Teacher Training and UNAWE Cornerstones for IYA) - training workshop on astronomy in the classroom - link with activities of region - provide educational resources - introduction of astronomy into the school curriculum - High level discussions with government departments of Science and Education - Explore potential in neighbouring countries and likelihood of collaborating Developing Astronomy Globally

53 Astronomy in Africa (and developing regions)







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