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Ohio College Application Month October – November 2018

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1 Ohio College Application Month October – November 2018
Site Coordinator Training Webinar More information: Welcome group to the training 2 Important links on the slide (more information on the initiative and link to registration to become a host site. This initiative supports the tremendous work of the high schools across our state. It provides resources and recognition for the work everyone is doing. Thank you!!

2 What is the American College Application Campaign (ACAC)?
Mission: To ensure that all students, particularly first generation students from low-income families, participate and complete a postsecondary education in order to obtain a job that pays livable wages. National campaign –currently there are 48 states are participating in the ACAC American Council on Education is the host of ACAC—the logos are on the slides MISSION

3 For current American high school students it is critical that they receive some level of training beyond high school in order to participate fully in the 21st century economy. This postsecondary preparation can be at a 2 or 4 year college, trade, technical, vocational, or certificate training program, and/or the military. Without educational preparation beyond high school, it is highly unlikely they will be able to obtain a livable working wage. Note: We would appreciate your support and participation with your partnering high schools and P-16 organizations. Some items of interest: Event can be one day or multiple activities. Registered host sites will be posted on the OCAM website. For those interested in participating in OCAM, please visit Sites will need to identify a site coordinator (counselor, administrator or teacher) and register through the ODHE website for OCAM. Site coordinator responsible for site survey at conclusion of events—due Dec 15th Feedback will be used to improve OCAM in fall 2018.

4 Host Site Responsibilities (High Schools)
Register to be a host site. Once you register, you can request materials from the state including campaign buttons (for staff), stickers (for students), and one “3 To Get Ready” poster (additional posters may be printed from the website). Host a single day or multi-day event during the school day open for all seniors– with a focus on engaging first-generation, low-income and other students who may otherwise not apply to college Form a school team comprised of staff and community members to help with the event Student Pre-Application Data Collection Sheet is available to collect postsecondary information before the event. Student completes with information needed to complete the application. Engage the local community, families, and others through volunteer opportunities, information letters, and advertising the program Require participating students to complete the OCAM survey after completing the application Follow-up with students to ensure applications submitted are complete – transcripts, college entrance exam scores, essays if requested, letters of recommendation are submitted, as well as the FAFSA application. Complete the site survey by December 15th and return to ODHE. Results will be compiled into state report and sent to ACAC. After registering as a host site-download the manual –3 parts. TWO forms identified on this slide The STUDENT PRE APPLICATION DATA COLLECTION SHEET is a helpful tool to use prior to the Application event—The student prepares the information needed for their school of choice After the applications have been completed we are asking the student to complete the OCAM survey Site interest form completed and sent back to ODHE with school name and signature of site coordinator and building administrator. Proposed dates of event. School team formed—site coordinator helps form the team—the event works better for everyone if there is a team approach. Some sites use the English course as the place to communicate with the students on the upcoming event—and may use it to complete the college interest page, writing of college essays, etc. Other high schools have dedicated advisory course sections during the school day. The site coordinator and school team should make the decision on where best to communicate the application process. Whatever works best for your school!!!

5 Host Site Responsibilities (Career Centers, Colleges & P16)
Register to be a host site. Once you register, you can request materials from the state including campaign buttons (for staff), stickers (for students), and one “3 To Get Ready” poster (additional posters may be printed from the website). Host a single day or multi-day event during the school day open for all seniors– with a focus on engaging first-generation, low-income and other students who may otherwise not apply to college Contact regional partners to join you at the event (postsecondary education, P16) Consider waiving the application fee for each institution (check with your partners) Form a team comprised of staff and community members to help with the event Student Pre-Application Data Collection Sheet is available to collect postsecondary information before the event. Student completes with information needed to complete the application. (Link on website) Engage the local community, families, and others through volunteer opportunities, information letters, and advertising the program Require participating students to complete the OCAM survey after completing the application Ask high school partners to follow-up with students to ensure applications submitted are complete – transcripts, college entrance exam scores, essays if requested, letters of recommendation are submitted, as well as the FAFSA application. College/career center. P16 will need to communicate your host status with partnering high schools. Site interest form completed and sent back to ODHE with school name and signature of site coordinator and building administrator. Proposed dates of event. School team formed—the event works better for everyone if there is a team approach. Some sites use the English course or an advisory section as a place to communicate with the students on the upcoming event—and may use it to complete the college interest page, writing of college essays, etc. O

6 Screenshot of the Site Coordinator Page from ODHE Website

7 Planning and Communicating for OCAM
Communication is crucial. It is important for your school to communicate the OCAM opportunity to students, their families, and your local community. Newsletters, mayoral proclamations, phone messages, etc. Volunteers are essential. Promote the three campaigns OCAM (Oct-Nov. 15th) FAFSA completion and 3. College Signing/Decision Day (spring event) Three step process. Important dates : OCAM– October through mid November FAFSA—October 1 on---check out Form Your Future and (replaced College Goal Sunday) for support with FAFSA completion College Signing/Decision Day—spring celebration

8 Site Coordinator Resources and Materials
Site Coordinator Manual Includes an Implementation Timeline to guide you as you plan for your OCAM event Site Coordinator Checklist (to include): Pre-Event Preparation: First Steps Communicate Opportunity to Students, Their Families, and the Local Community Prepare Students for Your College Application Week Implement School-Wide Activities to Build Awareness and Enthusiasm Get Volunteers Involved to Assist with the Event Hold a College Application Event Post-Event Follow-Up CAM Student Checklist Pre-Application Data Collection Sheet for students (Available on website) Engage Your Community Tips on how to engage your school, community, and students to volunteer and participate in OCAM The site coordinator has a wealth of resources available The site coordinator manual has three sections: pre event, during the event and post event for OCAM activities

9 Promoting Your Event: Before
Before Your Event Register and Request Free Materials College Application Worksheet Application Fee Waivers Information Letters Phone Blasts Sample Press Release Mayoral Proclamation Other Pre-Event Activities Information in the Pre-event manual includes the following: See slide

10 Promoting Your Event: During
During your College Application Program Distribute Button and Stickers to Participants Volunteer Tasks Student Instructions for Day of Event College Application Sign-Out Sheet Reminders and Recognition Reminders for FAFSA Completion Suggestions for the promotion of the event are in the resource manual. You know your students and community – plan for success!! Form Your Future and Ohio FAFSA event day –check those resources l! You may have your own ideas as well…….Faculty, staff wearing their college colors Use what works for you!

11 Promoting Your Event: After
After your College Application Week Program Volunteer Thank-You Letters Post-Event Press Releases Understanding Financial Aid Award Letters College Signing Day in Spring Other Follow-Up Activities Sending information to ODHE for your site Of course, we want to conclude with positive feedback after the event! Site coordinator survey is crucial to provide data on our state efforts. We want to celebrate your hard work and showcase your efforts. We use the information to plan the next academic year OCAM

12 Regional Experts Kelly Garrett – Central & Southern Ohio Cathy Graham – Northern Ohio Jamie Kemp – Western Ohio Heather Sands – Eastern Ohio Our Gear Up partners are volunteering to help host sites prepare for the event. They are access experts and we appreciate their willingness to serve. Contact any of the regional experts for advice or clarification.

13 ODHE Contacts State Campaign State Campaign Team Dr. Brenda Haas, Associate Vice-Chancellor P-16 Carlos Bing, State Director, GEAR UP Ohio Becky Harr, Administrative Assistant Emily Vinson, Academic Affairs Intern ODHE has contacts available for questions. The final report on participation is due to ODHE in mid December We appreciate your support for the students as they transition from secondary to post secondary education.

14 Questions and Discussion

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