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Logical Reasoning Yueh-Ling Wang 2014-10-29.

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Presentation on theme: "Logical Reasoning Yueh-Ling Wang 2014-10-29."— Presentation transcript:

1 Logical Reasoning Yueh-Ling Wang

2 Randall Munroe: Comics that ask "what if?"

3 Logical Reasoning Knowledge Development Practice “Good” nurse Theory
Research “Good” nurse Theorist/ Scholar Researcher Knowledge Development

4 Nursing Art & science Body of knowledge Empirical Personal Ethical
Authentic Emancipatory … emancipati

5 What kind of nurse do you want to “BE”?

6 Logic reason, good sense, presence of mind, wisdom, sense, sound judgment reasoning, argumentation, ratiocination, inference, deduction, induction, argument, rationale, rationalization, analysis presence of mind危難中鎮定自若; 遇事不慌 ratiocination推理 argument說理;論證 rationalization合理化;理性化

7 Logic Theory of right reasoning To discovery Hypothesis construction:
Selection: A conscious, deliberate, voluntary & controlled conduct We are held responsible for our reasoning, just as we are morally responsible for our conduct. Thus are open to criticism at every step

8 Reason The cause or explanation for something that has happened or that someone has done
Reasoning A process of thinking carefully about something in order to make a sound judgment

9 De- In- Ab- Deduction Induction Abduction

10 Forms of Reasoning Hypothetico-deduction (演譯)
- Logical reasoning in which conclusions must follow from their premises -the process of making a judgment about something, based on the information that you have Deduction 推論;演繹 Induction 歸納法;歸納 The great difference between induction & abduction is that the former infers the existence of phenomena, such as we have observed in cases which are similar De- 表示"離開";"減少 In “朝,向” Ab “離開”

11 Induction (歸納): Inference from specific case to the general
Abduction (反推、擇適): reasoning back from a true conclusion to the premise that may cause the conclusion Never originate from new ideas

12 Intuition 直觀 Heuristics 啟發- from experiences General test- trial and error

13 Theory development Logic reasoning- certain positive qualities of mind A hearty & active desire to learn what is true

14 Certain positive qualities of mind
Theory development Discovery processes Logic reasoning Certain positive qualities of mind A hearty & active desire to learn what is true Creativity, surprising coincidences, happy guesses

15 -Puzzling data of phenomenon
-Put various pieces & elements together -Not just a rare moment & a new big idea is discovered -A (long) process of discovery

16 To be a person who LOVE to ask WHY. REALLY. WHAT IF
To be a person who LOVE to ask WHY? REALLY? WHAT IF? Be a nurse who is a doer & thinker, too.

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