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Trosolwg o’r ail Gyfarfod Grŵp Rhanddeiliaid Ardal Leol /

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Presentation on theme: "Trosolwg o’r ail Gyfarfod Grŵp Rhanddeiliaid Ardal Leol /"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trosolwg o’r ail Gyfarfod Grŵp Rhanddeiliaid Ardal Leol /
Overview of the second Locality Stakeholder Group Meeting

2 ‘Gosod y Cyfeiriad’/ ‘Setting the Direction’
‘Bydd creu gwasanaethau iechyd o’r radd flaenaf yng Nghymru yn gofyn am drawsnewid gwasanaethau cychwynnol a chymuned’. (Dr Chris Jones, Chwef. 2010) ‘ Creating world-class health services in Wales requires the transformation of primary & community services’ (Dr Chris Jones, Feb. 2010)

3 Ardaloedd Lleol / Localities

4 Prif Flaenoriaethau/Key Priorities
Mwy o bwyslais ar Atal wedi’i Dargedu Darparu Gofal Ychwanegol yng nghartrefi cleifion gyda gwasanaethau’n targedu grwpiau risg uchel penodol Symud gwasanaethau o ysbytai cyffredinol dosbarth i’r gymuned ar lefel ardal leol Ymgysylltu a chynnwys pellach ar lefel ardal leol Greater emphasis on Targeted Prevention Provision of Enhanced Care in patients homes with services targeting particular high risk groups Moving services from district general hospitals into the community at a locality level Further engagement & inclusion at a Locality level

5 Gwasanaethau sydd ar gael mewn Ardal Leol / Services available in a Locality
Trafodwyd / Discussed: Gofal ychwanegol yn y cartref /Enhanced care at home Amseroedd teithio / Travel times Mynediad at wasanaethau presennol mewn Ardal Leol / Access to current services in a Locality Mwy o fanylion parthed / Further detail regarding: Gwasanaethau plant / Children’s services Gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl pobl hŷn / Older people’s mental health services

6 Sefyllfaoedd ar gyfer symud gwasanaethau i’r gymuned / Scenarios for shifting services into the community Gwasanaethau mân anafiadau Pelydr-X Gwasanaethau cleifion allanol Therapïau Ymyriadau Therapiwtig Minor Injury Services X-Ray Outpatient Services Therapies Therapeutic Interventions

7 Symud gwasanaethau i’r gymuned/ Shift of services to community settings Beth allen ni ei gyflawni?/What could we achieve? Increased outpatient contact Better access to diagnostic imaging – more tests, longer hours More therapy and support services - more services, longer hours Enhanced Minor Injury Services Increasing access to day case work – IVs, transfusions Mwy o gyswllt cleifion allanol Gwell mynediad at ddelweddu diagnostig – mwy o brofion, oriau hwy Mwy o wasanaethau therapi a chefnogaeth – mwy o wasanaethau, oriau hwy Gwasanaethau Mân Anafiadau ychwanegol Mwy o fynediad at waith achosion dydd – IV, trallwysiadau

8 Cemotherapi mewn ysbytai cymuned Gofal Diwedd Oes
Symud Gwasanaethau - syniadau a gweithredu/ Shifting of Services – some ideas & action Cemotherapi mewn ysbytai cymuned Gofal Diwedd Oes Gwasanaeth Poen Amlddisgyblaethol Profi yn y Pwynt Gofal Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl i blant ar lefel gofal cychwynnol Triniaeth Iechyd Meddwl yn y cartref Gofal dementia yn y gymuned Adsefydlu’r ysgyfaint Awdioleg Adsefydlu i oedolion Gwrthgeulo Agweddau o ofal diabetes Gwasanaeth Methiant y Galon yn y Gymuned Chemotherapy in community hospitals End of Life Care Multidisciplinary Pain Service Point of Care testing Mental Health Services for children at a primary care level Mental Health home treatment Community dementia care Pulmonary rehabilitation Adult Rehabilitative Audiology Anticoagulation Aspects of diabetes care Community Heart Failure Service

9 Symud gwasanaethau i’r gymuned a’r heriau / Shifting services into the community & the challenges
Canolbwyntio ar: Gwasanaethau mân anafiadau Pelydr-X Gwasanaethau cleifion allanol Therapïau Ymyriadau Therapiwtig Heriau: Mynediad Mas critigol ar gyfer gwasanaethau Sgiliau a gallu staff Materion cyfalaf ac ystad Os yw cyllid ac adnoddau ar gael Focus on: Minor Injury Services X-Ray Outpatient Services Therapies Therapeutic Interventions Challenges: Access Critical mass for services Staffing capacity and skills Capital and estate issues Finance and resource availability

10 Safbwyntiau Cyffredin sy’n dod yn amlwg /Common Emerging Views
Cautious acceptance of case for change and priority areas Cautious acceptance of the Locality Service Model “Safe” implementation of service changes Rural Proofing Community Transport Yr achos dros newid a meysydd blaenoriaeth yn cael eu derbyn yn ofalus Y Model Gwasanaeth Ardal Leol yn cael ei dderbyn yn ofalus Gweithredu newidiadau i wasanaethau yn “ddiogel” Prawfesur Gwledig Cludiant Cymunedol

11 Pa mor bell mae unigolion yn fodlon teithio
Themâu o gyfarfodydd y Grŵp Rhanddeiliaid Ardal Leol / Themes from Locality Stakeholder Group meetings Cefnogi hunan ofal Pa mor bell mae unigolion yn fodlon teithio Addysg a rhoi grym Cyfathrebu gwell Supporting self care How far individuals are prepared to travel Education & empowerment Improved communication

12 Camau nesaf/Next steps
Rhagfyr - Mai - parhau i weithio ar senarios - ymgysylltu ehangach Mai - Mehefin - mireinio senarios a pharatoi i ymgynghori os bydd angen Mehefin – Medi - ymgynghori ffurfiol Awst - Hydref/Tachwedd - dadansoddi ymateb i’r ymgynghoriad ac adolygu cynigion Tachwedd ymlaen - argymhellion a gweithrediad posibl December to May - ongoing work on scenarios - wider engagement May to June - refining scenarios and preparation for consultation if required July – September - formal consultation August – October/November - analysis of consultation response and review of proposals November onwards - recommendations and potential implementation

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