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An economic condition when money loses its value and prices rise.

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Presentation on theme: "An economic condition when money loses its value and prices rise."— Presentation transcript:

1 An economic condition when money loses its value and prices rise.
1. Inflation An economic condition when money loses its value and prices rise. Ex: This happened to the German money due to the high war reparations of the Versailles Treaty. Germany printed more money; making their currency worthless.

2 A leader who rules with total authority in a cruel or brutal manner.
2. Dictator A leader who rules with total authority in a cruel or brutal manner. Individual human rights and freedoms are restricted.

3 3. Fascism A political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator and individual freedoms are denied. Ex: Hitler took away the right to protest or speak out against the government, eliminated the “free press,” and took the lives of over 6 million men, women, and children thought to be “inferior” in his eyes.

4 Accepting demands in order to avoid conflicts.
4. Appeasement Accepting demands in order to avoid conflicts. Ex: Britain and France thought that they could avoid war by accepting Germany’s demands. In 1936, they signed a treaty allowing Hitler to take Austria & part of Czechoslovakia.

5 5. Communism A government in which all economic and social activity is controlled by totalitarian leaders and one powerful political party.

6 6. Rationing Consumers could buy only certain number of goods so that the majority of these goods could be sent abroad to aid in the war effort. i.e. shoes, gasoline, tires, sugar, and meat.

7 Hatred, hostility, and discrimination toward and against Jews.
7. Anti-Semitism Hatred, hostility, and discrimination toward and against Jews. Hitler and the Nazis party portrayed the German people as superior to all others. Much of their anger was directed against Jews. Unspeakable horrors were done to these people.

8 8. Aryan Supremacy The belief that a “pure” blood German with blonde- hair and blue eyes was superior to all other races.

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