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Knights and Castles! Hazel and Cherry Class! Literacy

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1 Knights and Castles! Hazel and Cherry Class! Literacy
In Literacy this term we are looking at the story of The Fairy Godmothers First Day. We will be focusing on writing sentences using full stops and capital letters. We will also be using adjectives to describe characters. You can help your child at home by reading as often as possible, practicing the Year Two spelling words . Maths In Maths we are practicing partitioning numbers into tens and units and adding and subtracting numbers using mental and written methods. You can help your child by practicing their number bonds to 10 and 20 and practicing their 2s, 5s, 10s, and 3 times tables at home. Our topic this term is Knights and Castles. We are learning about the Battle of Hastings and daily life during the Medieval Period. In science we are learning about different materials and their properties. PE will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. Hazel and Cherry Class!

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