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How successful were the Liberal governments, in the years 1909 to 1914, in bringing about political and constitutional reform? Intro Liberals’ political.

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Presentation on theme: "How successful were the Liberal governments, in the years 1909 to 1914, in bringing about political and constitutional reform? Intro Liberals’ political."— Presentation transcript:

1 How successful were the Liberal governments, in the years 1909 to 1914, in bringing about political and constitutional reform? Intro Liberals’ political aims were to maintain working majority in HofC. Also to limit powers of Con. opposition (Lords) Debate is Dagnerfield versus Clarke Liberals were an overall success in both aims

2 How successful were the Liberal governments, in the years 1909 to 1914, in bringing about political and constitutional reform? Para 1 – limitations (1910 election results) Historians such as Dangerfield would argue success was limited as Liberals lost their landslide majority making them less able to effectively fun govt Jan 1910 election – Lib. majority of 2 seats Dec 1910 – Libs and Cons 272 seats each Coalitions with Labour and Ir. Nats. However, Libs did still manage HofC to pass legislation

3 How successful were the Liberal governments, in the years 1909 to 1914, in bringing about political and constitutional reform? Para 2 – limitations (HR) Historians would also argue that this coalition caused the Liberals to pursue HR, which was a disaster. Ir Nats. and Libs persued HR bill 1912, Lords suspended for 2 years Civil unrest in Ire. However, the fact that the Libs passed it through HofC shows they could keep it working

4 How successful were the Liberal governments, in the years 1909 to 1914, in bringing about political and constitutional reform? Para 3 – successes (limiting power of Lords) More convincing argument (Clarke) is that Liberals successfully limited constitutional powers of HofL 1909 Budget passed by Commons and eventually Lords forced to accept 1911 Parlt Act

5 How successful were the Liberal governments, in the years 1909 to 1914, in bringing about political and constitutional reform? Para 4 – successes (further political reforms) Furthermore it can be argued that Parlt Act paved the way for further reforms which strengthened the Libs 1911 Payment of MPs Act (following on from 1908/9 Osborne Case) – arguably gained support from W/C voters and allied with Labour 1913 Trade union Act

6 How successful were the Liberal governments, in the years 1909 to 1914, in bringing about political and constitutional reform? Conclusion Through coalitions Libs kept working majority in HofC Parlt Act great success in changing constitutional powers of Lords Immediate short-term Libs a success and progressed pol. system in radical way for that time However, it is in the longer-term that Lib success would be limited. It’s reforms weakened the party to an extent where it could not survive WW1

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