Out of the Dust The Creation of Man..

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1 Out of the Dust The Creation of Man.

2 Genesis 2 The name of God shifts from Elohim in Chapter 1 to Adonai in Chapter 2. Adonai – the Sovereign One, On the 7th day, God rests God does not get physically tired or exhausted This is simply showing that God’s work of creation is done and no more needs to be done

3 Genesis 2 What this shows is that rest is a natural part of creation. When we rest from our work we are trusting in God to control things Rest simply reminds us that we are not God and we are not in control Application: Sleep is a good thing!

4 The Creation of Man Genesis 2 begins with the account of the creation of man It seems that this is a different account, but it’s not. If Genesis 1 is the 30,000 ft view from a plane, Genesis 2 is the ground level view. So, this is still the same account of creation just a close up view of that account

5 The Creation of Man God created man from the dust of the earth.
Then it says that God breathed into man’s nostrils Hebrew term “Ruach” – Wind, Breath, life This shows that God is the giver of life.

6 The Placement of Man God places man in the garden.
Vs. 9-14, describes the Garden of Eden as place of pristine condition. God places man in the garden for a specific purpose: to work it and to care for it. Work from the beginning was created and divinely ordained by God for man. One of the misconceptions is that work is a part of the curse. But here, we see that God placed man in the Garden to work the garden.

7 The Placement of Man Creation Mandate:
Genesis 1:28, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea of the sea and over birds of the air of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Multiply the earth (procreation) Subdue the earth (work the ground) Have dominion (authority over the earth)

8 The Creation of Woman God sees that it is not good that man should be alone. God gives the task to name all the animals to man. In this time, God sees that every animal has a helper, except for man. This is the first and only time that God says “It is not good” Man is put into a deep sleep and God creates woman from the side of the man.

9 The Creation of Woman Adam wakes up and sees woman beside him.
There is a unique play on words here in the text, the word for man is “Ish” while the word for woman is “ishah” Man says this is “bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh” God sets up marriage in the very beginning between one man and one woman.

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