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Aghast Stupefied Goad In Vain Spontaneously

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Presentation on theme: "Aghast Stupefied Goad In Vain Spontaneously"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aghast Stupefied Goad In Vain Spontaneously
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin Grade 7 and 8 PLACE ANY LATE HOMEWORK ON YOUR DESK. Place any supplies on your desk (paper and/or pencils). Copy the following five words, then, write the definitions of each: Aghast Stupefied Goad In Vain Spontaneously

2 Vocabulary Sheet 1 Aghast: horrified Stupefied: confused
Goad: To whip or annoy into doing something In Vain: with no purpose Spontaneously: suddenly

3 Agenda (Monday, 8/20) Standard: RL1: Finding key details Objective: Students will practice using the Annotation Sheet for Achieve 3000 Warm-Up: Vocabulary Review Whole Group: Discuss Homework (1-2) Review Annotating Text and Theme: Discuss answers to annotations for “Aesop’s Fables” Using the Achieve 3000 sheet for annotation CHAMPS for Independent Work and Independent Reading Work Period: Finish reading “Bird Brains? Not These Birds!” (Ahieve 3000 article) and annotating. Independent Reading (check out books)

4 Homework Due 8/24

5 Homework

6 Homework



9 Technology Sheet Annotating Achieve 3000


11 880

12 880

13 880

14 520

15 520

16 520

17 Work Period Practice Annotating Text and Theme with Aesop’s Fables
Independent Reading CHAMPS C: 0 (no talking) H: Whisper ask a neighbor, then back to work. If neighbor can’t help, raise hand to ask teacher. A: Complete annotating text with Aesop’s Fables M: Stay in seat (you may sharpen pencil, get tissue) P: Independent

18 Closing What does theme mean?

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