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Blue laws Laws passed by the Puritans to suppress simple pleasures and suppress human instincts Named for the blue paper they were printed on.

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2 Blue laws Laws passed by the Puritans to suppress simple pleasures and suppress human instincts Named for the blue paper they were printed on

3 Bundling Puritan practice of allowing unmarried couples to share a bed, separated by a board

4 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
The first written constitution in the world, adopted in 1639. Based on individual rights and limits to governmental powers

5 Great Awakening Religious movement in the early 1700s
Based on passionate individual involvement, not passive listening Led by Jonathan Edwards, later by George Whitefield

6 Puritan Work Ethic Idea that business is a calling from God, to work hard and do well will please Him Hard work builds character and is morally good – leisure is laziness Contributed to the American character of hard working capitalists

7 Leisler's Rebellion Rebellion in New York against the colonial government Wanted more representation and redistribute wealth Leisler eventually tried for treason and executed

8 Pennsylvania Dutch Religious (Amish, Mennonite) German farm families that settled in Pennsylvania Spoke Deutch, not Dutch

9 Society of Friends Quakers - Industrious, pacifistic religious group
Started in England but many move to Pennsylvania after it is founded by Quaker William Penn

10 Zenger Trial John Peter Zenger charged with sedition libel for printing articles accusing NY governor Colby of corruption Defended himself by claiming he was telling the truth Helps establish the idea of Freedom of the press

11 Scotch Irish Ethnic group from Scotland that briefly lived in Ireland
Usually lived on the frontier (backcountry) in NH, Maine, PA, VA, NC Usually fought with the Indians over land

12 Tidewater Area in coastal Virginia and North Carolina
Inhabited by the wealthy elite, who tended to control the colonial government Despised by colonists inland (The Piedmont), who were usually poor

13 Restoration Colonies Colonies founded during the reign of Charles II, usually to pay back royal supporters of his return to the throne after Cromwell. South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York*

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