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Honors Biology B_5 Biological Evolution ADDITIONAL INFO

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1 Honors Biology B_5 Biological Evolution ADDITIONAL INFO
Standard B-5 Demonstrate an understanding of biological evolution and the diversity of life. Chapters 15, 16, 17, 18

2 Origins of Evolutionary Thought
Erausmus Darwin (1731): English Doctor Grandfather of Charles Darwin Proposed ideas of common ancestry Carolus Linnaeus (1735): Swedish Botanist Devised a standard classification system for living things; based on similarities and evolutionary relationships Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species Scientific Names: Homo sapein (Genus species) Georges Buffon (1749): French Naturalist Proposed that species shared ancestors instead of arising separately Rejected that the Earth was only 6000yrs old

3 Origins of Evolutionary Thought
James Hutton (1785) – Proposes that Earth is shaped by geological forces that happen over extremely long periods of time (estimates Earth to be millions of years old) Thomas Malthus (1798) – Predicts that the human population will grow faster than the space and food needed to sustain it. Charles Lyell (1833) – Explained that processes occurring now have shaped Earth’s geological features over long periods of time.

4 Origins of Evolutionary Thought
Jean-Baptiste LAMARCK (1809) read pg376 Proposed that organisms over long periods of time due to the environment (evolve towards perfection and complexity) Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics (thru use or disuse) Use and disuse of organs cause organism to change; organism change because they need to change; Ex: Bird doesn’t fly loses wings Alfred Russel WALLACE (1858) 1848 made an expedition to the Amazon River and then Malay Islands (made similar observations as Darwin) Wallace shared his findings with Darwin and Darwin presented Wallace’s essay to the Linnaean Society Charles DARWIN (1859) Sets sail on HMS Beagle ( ), the voyage provides evidence that leads to the foundation of his theory of evolution (1859)On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (evolution by natural selection)


6 Stabilizing Selection
See Fig 16-7 pg399 Stabilizing selection takes place when individuals near the center of the curve have higher fitness. Extremes on either end have lower fitness so the curve becomes more narrow.

7 Disruptive vs Directional Selection
See fig 16-6 pg398 Occurs when individuals at one end of the curve have higher fitness than the middle or other end, causing the curve to move in one direction. Disruptive See fig 16-8 pg399 Occurs when individuals at either end have higher fitness than the middle, as a result the population splits into 2 subgroups – 2 distinct phenotypes

8 Hardy-Weinberg Equation
Purpose: Use the equation to predict genotype frequencies. Values predicted by equation are those that would be present if population was in genetic EQUILIBRIUM. Predicted values (frequencies) are compared to actual frequencies… if the genetic data does not match the population is NOT in equilibrium: it is EVOLVING EQUATION: p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 p = frequency of dominant allele (T) q = frequency of recessive allele p2 = frequency of homozygous dominant organism (TT) 2pq = frequency of heterozygous organism (Tt) q2 = frequency of homozygous recessive organism (tt)

9 Hardy-Weinberg Practice Problems
Complete the practice problems on the following website:

10 Extra Videos Transitional Fossils Time line of Earth:
Time line of Earth: 60 minutes web extras / dinos and birds

11 Linnaeus Classification System
DOMAIN (Eukarya) KINGDOM (ex: Animal) Kids PHYLUM (ex: Chordate) Prefer CLASS (ex: Mammal) Candy ORDER (ex: Primates) Over FAMILY (ex: Hominid) Fresh GENUS (ex: Homo) Green SPECIES (ex: sapiens) Spinach DOMAIN Eukarya: Includes ALL Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protista KINGDOM Animalia PHYLUM Chordata CLASS Mammalia ORDER Carnivora FAMILY Ursidae GENUS Ursus SPECIES Ursus arctos


13 Classification of Living Things
DOMAIN KINGDOM CELL TYPE CELL STRUCTURE NUMBER OF CELLS MODE OF NUTRITION EXAMPLES Bacteria Eubacteria Prokaryote Cell walls w/ peptidoglycan Unicellular Autotroph Heterotroph Streptococcus, E. coli Archaea Archae-bacteria Prokaryote Cell walls w/out peptidoglycan Unicellular Autotroph Heterotroph Thermophiles (live in extreme heat) Eukarya Protista Eukaryote Nucleus Complex Organelle MOST unicellular some multcellular Autotroph Heterotroph Amoeba, Paramecium, Algea Seaweed Fungi Eukaryote Nucleus Complex Organelle some unicellular MOST multcellular Heterotroph Mushrooms, yeasts Mold penicillium Plant Eukaryote Nucleus Complex Organelle Multicellular Autotroph Mosses, ferns, flowering plants Animal Eukaryote Nucleus Complex Organelle Multicellular Heterotroph Sponges, worms, insects, fishes, mammals

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