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Benefits of Weight Training

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1 Benefits of Weight Training
Coach Poston

2 Weight training tones your muscles which looks great and raises your basal metabolism … which causes you to burn more kilojoules 24 hours-a-day. You’ll even burn more kilojoules while you’re sleeping.

3 Benefits of Weight Training

4 Benefits of Weight Training

5 Weight training lowers your resting heart rate, a sign of a more efficient heart.
Weight training will NOT develop big muscles on women….just toned muscles! Weight training improves your muscular endurance.

6 Benefits of Weight Training

7 Benefits of Weight Training

8 Benefits of Weight Training

9 Benefits of Weight Training
Weight training makes you less prone to lower-back injuries. Weight training decreases your resting blood pressure. Weight training decreases your risk of developing adult onset diabetes.

10 Benefits of Weight Training
Weight training decreases your gastrointestinal transit time, reducing your risk for developing colon cancer. Weight training increases your blood level of HDL cholesterol (the good type). Weight training improves your posture. Weight training improves the functioning of your immune system.

11 Benefits of Weight Training
Weight training lowers your resting heart rate, a sign of a more efficient heart. Weight training improves your balance and coordination.

12 Good luck!

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