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The Seven Types of Propaganda

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1 The Seven Types of Propaganda

2 Propaganda Definition: an opinion expressed for the purpose of influencing actions of individuals or groups. More formally, the Institute for Propaganda Analysis has defined propaganda as "expression of opinion or action by individuals or groups deliberately designed to influence opinions or actions of other individuals or groups with reference to predetermined ends."

3 Bandwagon This technique tries to persuade everyone to join in and do the same thing Example 1: Shows/says that everybody’s got one, or everyone’s doing it!

4 Plain Folks Trying to show that a person or product is good for “ordinary” people, because a person is “just like you” and understands you Example 1: An ordinary looking family sits together at a table to eat a certain brand of macaroni. for-america/

5 Transfer Good feelings, looks, or ideas transferred to the person for whom the product is intended Example 1: When a cigarette ad uses healthy young people playing football to advertise their cigarettes. (If they used someone dying of emphysema caused by smoking, they wouldn’t sell as many cigarettes, would they?)

6 Testimonial Using a famous person to try to make you buy or support something or someone Example 1: LeBron James wears Nike clothing, and if you want to be like him, then you should, too!

7 Glittering Generalities
Telling only positive things about something or someone, without giving evidence or facts Example 1: Using words to stir up positive feelings—words like “honor,” “family values.”

8 Name -Calling Giving an idea a bad label is used to make us reject and condemn the idea without examining the evidence.

9 Card Stacking The selection and use of facts or falsehoods, illustrations or distractions, and logical or illogical statements in order to give the best or the worst possible case for an idea, program, person or product.

10 Quiz:

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