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The Renaissance.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance

2 Renaissance in Italy Renaissance a. Rebirth
b. A time of creativity and change in many areas – political, social, economic, and cultural c. Reawakened interest in classical learning, especially the culture of ancient Rome

3 Why Italy? Location Renaissance was associated with an interest in the culture of ancient Rome – Rome’s architectural remains such as statues are located in Italy Wealthy and Powerful Merchant Class Patrons of the arts – pay the artists for their work

4 The Medici Family Florence – symbolized the Renaissance Medici
a. Banking and business family b. Family controlled city of Florence for many years c. Great patrons of the arts

5 Humanism Study of classical culture
Focused on worldly subjects rather than on religious issues (differed from Middle Ages – focus was on salvation and the church) Stimulate the individual’s creative powers Here and Now!

6 Humanism Classical idea: Belief in Ancient Greece human and Rome
potential Classical idea: Ancient Greece and Rome Humanism Ended when Roman Empire Collapsed c. 500 AD People to be the best they can be

7 Renaissance Art Lifelike: looked realistic Perspective: had depth, 3D
Emotion- revealed artist feelings Sometimes Secular- non-religious

8 Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci
a. Artist, sculptor, inventor, etc… b. Mona Lisa and Last Supper

9 Michelangelo Michelangelo a. Sculptor, engineer, painter, architect,
etc… b. Sistine Chapel & Statue of David

10 1501-1504 sculpted the Statue of David
Painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel





15 Raphael Raphael a. Painter
b. School of Athens and paintings of the Virgin Mary Renaissance Man – someone who is multi-talented in many areas Renaissance Song

16 Raphael

17 Spreads to Northern Italy
Why Later – Black Death delayed the birth of the Renaissance in Northern Europe Italian Renaissance – stressed education and revival of classical themes Northern Renaissance – stressed education and the revival of classical themes + religious and moral reform

18 Erasmus Erasmus a. Humanist b. Praise of Folly – used humor to expose
the ignorant and immoral behavior of people (especially the Catholic Church)

19 Thomas More Sir Thomas More a. Utopia – perfect society

20 Williams Shakespeare Shakespeare a. Playwright b. Romeo and Juliet
c. Hamlet

21 Printing Press Invented by Guttenberg
Increased production of books  books became cheaper  more people learned to read  people had a greater understanding of the world around them First Printed: The Bible

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