UK Supplier Showcase Boeing, St Louis 16 – 18th October 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "UK Supplier Showcase Boeing, St Louis 16 – 18th October 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 UK Supplier Showcase Boeing, St Louis 16 – 18th October 2018

2 Replace this box with your logo Notes
Put the name of your company here ltd plc Contact: point of contact in your org Title: your job title jack. Cell: Supplier Code: put your Boeing BE code 100 WORDS IN THIS SECTION to describe your company. Consider including: Size of Facility(ies), available capacity and balance sheet strength Number of Employees and number of engineers Your key capabilities & differentiators Current parts supplied directly or indirectly to Boeing Boeing programs/ aircraft supplier currently supports Certifications and accreditations Other aerospace customers, emphasise your export credentials Don’t waste words describing your long history since 1885 or explaining that you are in a particular town that they have never heard of. 40 WORDS IN THIS SECTION Provide a picture and description of a product or depiction of a capability with a description of key features. What are we looking at, why is it of interest to Boeing. Make it informative & relevant 200 WORDS IN THIS SECTION to describe the technology, product or service you are offering. Describe what differentiates your product in the marketplace – be specific with values eg X% lighter, Y mW less power, Z micron, What are your unique capabilities, what are you doing differently to your competitors and why is that relevant to Boeing? Be specific about the Innovative/disruptive technologies that would enhance the current or next generation of Boeing products – which ones? Are you undergoing any operational improvement programmes, what benefit will they bring compared to the competition? Everyone thinks they are “world class”, “market leading” etc so be specific about your USP and how you can make Boeing more competitive. Try and quantify every claim. Make the reader’s job easy so you get invited to discuss your proposition further Replace this box with your logo Notes Please replace the words and image in the boxes opposite with your offer If you wish to promote more than one technology, product or service, please fill in a duplicate form The page is sized to 8.5 x 11 for US format, please do not change The word count maximum is mandatory Please send this back to and Please ensure you have registered for the event on the ADS Group website (in the Events section)

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