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A small, often rural community, whose members share common interests, work, and income, and often own property together. commune pg 4 Noun.

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Presentation on theme: "A small, often rural community, whose members share common interests, work, and income, and often own property together. commune pg 4 Noun."— Presentation transcript:

1 A small, often rural community, whose members share common interests, work, and income, and often own property together. commune pg 4 Noun

2 An instrument used for measuring atmospheric pressure and forecasting weather.
barometer pg 5 Noun

3 microprocessor pg 5 Noun
Circuit containing entire central processing unit of a computer microprocessor pg 5 Noun

4 tremulous pg 7 Adjective
Shaking or trembling due to fear, nerves, or weakness tremulous pg 7 Adjective

5 An infectious disease usually characterized by chills, fever, and sweating; can be fatal.
malaria pg 8 noun

6 A plant of the legume family that has edible seeds; the edible seeds from the plant are known as lentils lentils pg 10 noun

7 To irritate or annoy; to excite
rile pg 16 verb

8 autonomous pg 31 adjective
Self-governing; not controlled by others or outside forces autonomous pg 31 adjective

9 To shake violently with laughter, pain, or anger
convulse pg 38 verb

10 A filthy, disgusting, or corrupt place- usually referring to moral filth
cesspool pg 40 noun

11 A cross-legged sitting position used in yoga
lotus position pg 68 noun

12 Marked by doubt; doubtful
dubious pg 49 adjective

13 Luckless or unfortunate
hapless pg 54 adjective

14 An absolute ruler who governs without restriction
tyrant pg 44 noun

15 Those represented by a governing body/elected official
constituents pg 36 noun

16 To comfort or take away sorrow or grief
console pg 66 verb

17 Inducted into office by formal ceremony
inaugurated pg 34 verb

18 An institution for the care of the mentally ill
asylum pg 54 noun

19 Counterfeit or fake bogus pg 39 adjective

20 An action calculated to frustrate an opponent or to gain an advantage
ploy pg 47 noun

21 Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers
wary pg 59 adjective

22 guru pg 110 noun 1.- a personal spiritual leader
2. a leader or master in a particular field guru pg 110 noun

23 rough or harsh sounding
raucous pg 72 adj

24 A religious sect, usually with extreme followers and views, that have their own rites and ceremonies
cult pg 110 noun

25 Empty or foolish talk guff pg 71 noun

26 To come together again reconvene pg 97 verb

27 Removing in flakes or scales; peeling away in layers
exfoliating pg 91 verb

28 The Japanese martial art of fencing with bamboo swords
kendo pg 86 noun

29 To steer in various directions as needed
maneuver pg 86 verb

30 Completely puzzled or confused
bewildered pg 79 adj

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