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MECOPTERA (scorpionflies) SIPHONAPTERA (fleas).

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Presentation on theme: "MECOPTERA (scorpionflies) SIPHONAPTERA (fleas)."— Presentation transcript:

1 MECOPTERA (scorpionflies) SIPHONAPTERA (fleas)

2 So far in classification
Exopterygota Head with gula Neuropteroid Orders mandibulate Hymenoptera Diptera Neoptera 2 Wings larvae without legs 4 Mecoptera Head without gula Siphonaptera No wings rostrate - Lepidoptera Wings with scales Mecopteroid orders larvae with legs - Trichoptera Wings with hairs

3 Hexapod Orders Mecoptera Mecos - long, ptera - wing Number of Species
500 Common names Scorpionflies Typical habitats Forests Distinguishing characteristics -mouthparts on a snout -swollen terminal segment with ‘stinger’ Other features

4 Hexapod Orders Siphonaptera Siphon - tube, aptera - wingless
Number of Species 2,400 Common names Fleas Typical habitats Ectoparasites of birds and mammals Distinguishing characteristics -wingless -parasites -siphoning mouthparts -jumping legs Other features

5 Fleas - Distinguishing Features
Wingless Sucking mouthparts Antennae retractible Jumping legs

6 Fleas - Life Cycle Pupal stage lasts ~ 7 days
Larva feeds on organic matter for ~24 days Natural habitat Eggs hatch in ~ 4 days Adult Eggs drop off host

7 Flea Numbers

8 Fleas - Disease Transmission
Bubonic Plague (Black Death)

9 Fleas - Disease Transmission
Yerstis pestis

10 Fleas - Disease Transmission

11 Fleas - Disease Transmission


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