MGMT303 Tutoring Session Week 6.

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1 MGMT303 Tutoring Session Week 6

2 Objectives 9 & 10 Given an interpersonal conflict or power struggle within an organization, suggest a resolution that demonstrates an understanding of each of the following: the communication process; issues and methods of fostering cooperation and collaboration within work groups and teams; how the relationship between an individual's personality and their perception of an organization affects attitudes and behavior; and the benefits of dignifying individual contribution. Enablers Evaluate when and how to best utilize three content theories of motivation and three process theories of motivation to attract and retain a highly-talented cadre of employees. Identify and discuss the five elements of emotional intelligence (EI). Describe the essential qualities of effective leadership for the 21st century and assess an organization's ability to demonstrate these qualities on a daily basis. Synthesize learning about motivation, EI, and leadership into a coherent strategy that creates the space for motivation to bloom. Given the potential of process controls to regulate organizational activities and provide complete, accurate, and timely feedback to all hierarchical levels across an organization's set of internal and external stakeholders, analyze the trade-off between system policies that aim to support high quality, efficiency, and productivity with more relaxed and informal practices that are less likely to inhibit flexibility and adaptability. Evaluate the use of various legitimate and personal power strategies to develop solid interpersonal relationships within organizations. Assess the communication strategies organizations use to encourage members to effectively coordinate actions across departments. Discuss the process and stages of group/team formation and describe how best to utilize these stages to ensure the development of high-performance teams. Assess how well trust is created throughout the organization through the incorporation of power, communication, and leadership.

3 What is due for Week 6 Team Case Study or Individual
Peer Review (Team Project) Threaded Discussions Chapters 14, 16, & 18 The quiz covers weeks five and six. There are four short answer questions worth ten points each. You will have two hours in order to complete the quiz. By submitting this work, I am attesting that it abides by the Student Honor Code.

4 Team or Individual Project Next Week
Assess the communication strategies organizations use to encourage members to effectively coordinate actions across departments. Discuss the process and stages of group/team formation and describe how best to utilize these stages to ensure the development of high-performance teams.

5 Least-Preferred Co-Worker Theory (LPC)
The least-preferred co-worker (LPC) theory is one of the more controversial leadership theories, because researchers disagree about its validity. Even though it is controversial, this theory has helped managers recognize the situational factors that they must contend with in the workplace.

6 Nonverbal Communication
Facial expression: Wrinkling your nose Gestures: Shoulder shrug or thumbs up Body appearance: A tattoo or piercing Cross-cultural differences: Kissing on both cheeks Personal space: Someone walking out of the room while you're trying to talk to him or her Vocal expression: Clearing your throat to get someone's attention or shouting Cues and signals: You get out the diaper and your toddler runs in the opposite direction

7 Work groups and Teams Group Cohesiveness Groupthink Conflict

8 Items to focus on for Quiz
What are some different performance appraisal methods an what makes them different and are they effective? Explain different types of job training and how it is effective. How do the external environmental factors from a SWOT most directly affect the HRM process? Explain in detail about motivation? What are some challenges managers have in with motivating their teams.? What are some of the different job design approaches to motivation? Describe the different types of Groups? What are the five stages of development? What is the difference of a group and a team? What is some characteristics of teams an Groups? What is Fielders Contingency Model of Leadership? What is Leader-Member Exchange Theory? What are the five sources of a leaders power?

9 Wrap up I will do courtesy reads on assignments must have them to me no later than 5pm Arizona time on Saturday. I will turn them around by that evening.

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