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When Marian sang by Pam Munoz ryan

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1 When Marian sang by Pam Munoz ryan

2 Vocabulary Words application dramatic enraged formal momentous opera
prejudice privileged recital

3 application An official request for something, such as a job, an education, or a loan.

4 dramatic Like a drama; of or about plays.

5 enraged Very angry; furious

6 formal According to set customs or rules; official; orderly.

7 momentous Very important

8 opera A play in which music is an essential and constant part.

9 prejudice Unreasonable dislike of an idea or group of people.

10 privileged Having special rights, advantages, or favor.

11 recital A musical entertainment, usually given by a single performer.

12 More Words to Know A root word is a word part that usually cannot stand alone and may be the base for a family of words. Many words in English come from Greek and Latin.

13 Greek and Latin Roots Root Origin Meaning Example aud Latin hear
audience duc lead conductor gram Greek Letter, written grammar jud judge prejudice poli city metropolitan vis see invisible bene well, good benefit

14 Comprehension Skill: Generalizations
Sometimes authors write broad statements that apply to many examples. These statements are called generalizations. Often, clue words such as most, all, sometimes, always, and never identify generalizations.

15 Comprehension Skill: Generalizations
Generalizations supported by facts and logic are called valid generalizations. Faulty generalizations are not supported by facts and logic. Generalizations should always be supported with facts from the text or from your knowledge of the world.

16 Look Back and Write Look back at pages Summarize the concert Marian gave at the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday in Explain how this event came about and why it was historically important. Use evidence from the text in your summary.

17 Marian Anderson at the Lincoln Memorial
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