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Pioneer High School Welcomes the.

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Presentation on theme: "Pioneer High School Welcomes the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pioneer High School Welcomes the

2 Who’s Your Counselor? Mrs. Araceli Del Valle A-Gaq
Mr. Gilbert Galindo Gar-M Ms. Wendy Tietjen N-Z Mrs. Alejandra Flores Intervention

3 Grading Periods & Credits
Four Quarters in a year: 1st & 2nd Quarters = 1st Semester 3rd & 4th Quarters = 2nd Semester Grades recorded on Transcript 1st Sem. (January) & 2nd Sem. (June) A passing grade of “A”, “B”, “C” or “D” = 5 credits per class, per semester

4 Additional Requirements:
Graduation Requirements English 40 Credits Math Credits Science 30 Credits Social Science 30 Credits Physical Education 20 Credits VAPA 10 Credits Practical Arts 10 Credits Electives 50 Credits Total Credits Additional Requirements: -Algebra 1 -Computer Literacy pg. 6

5 Course Codes P - College Prep class HP - Honors class
AP - Advanced Placement class (Earn college credits, if AP class is taken and AP Exam passed) *Classes without these codes DO NOT meet college entrance requirements.


7 Earning Extra Credits *Red = Credit Recovery
Summer School - 2 classes maximum – space is limited Adult School - PHS or Sierra Campus Community Service - Volunteer 15 hours for 1 elective credit (10 credits maximum) Work Experience – 40 hours = 1 elective credit (10 credits maximum) College - 1 unit = 3.3 credits *Red = Credit Recovery


9 Higher Education Systems
Community College California State University University of California Independent/Private

10 Statement of Student Responsibility
In order to guarantee you, and all students in our school, the excellent learning climate that each student deserves, we have developed a Statement of Student Responsibility. This is a statement of our rules and consequences. pg. 9-15

11 Attendance Policy (pg. 9)Students are expected to attend school daily and are not allowed to leave campus during the school day. -Absences (pg. 9) -Leaving Campus Rule #11 (pg. 13) -Truancies Rule #15 (pg. 14) -Closed Campus (pg. 15)

12 TARDY POLICY Students are expected to be on time to all classes
Students who are late to class are subject to the following consequences: Teacher warning Parent notification Forfeit of opportunity to make up assignments missed Negative marks for citizenship Lunch detention Saturday school

13 Statement of Student Responsibility
*Rule #2 (pg. 10) -Fighting & Threatening Behavior *Rule # 3 (pg. 10) -Controlled Substances *Rule #5 (pg. 11) Disruption of School Activities Electronic Devices

14 SCHOOL ID REQUIRED School Identification must be worn at school and school functions at all times. ID card should be worn above the waist ID card must not be lent to or worn by any other student. These actions constitute fraudulent behavior. Students who do not give their ID cards to staff upon request will be assigned viewpoint (detention hall) or Saturday School. pg. 16

15 SCHOOL DAY SCHEDULE Monday 8:00 am – 1:58 pm
Tuesday - Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm *1st Monday of each month students are released at 12:15 pm (refer to back cover of handbook)

16 EMBEDDED SUPPORT Specific subject-related tutorials will be allotted at the end of each period (20 min.) Tuesday-Friday Students needing additional support will be asked to remain in class for help Students performing well will be rewarded with an early release

Attendance Communication Homework Progress Reports Meetings Study Places Extra Help/Tutoring Positive Note Parent/Teacher Conferences Aeries Parent Portal

18 PARENT CENTER Located in C-10
Parent workshops are available during school hours, monthly meetings are held as well. Calendar of parent meetings are provided by the Expanded Horizons Office. ext. 5060

19 Only Freshman on this day Attend all 6 classes and meet their teachers
Freshman First Day Tuesday, August 15th, 2017 Only Freshman on this day Attend all 6 classes and meet their teachers Information on Clubs and Activities Pep Assembly

20 IMPORTANT DATES Freshman Program Pick-up Day: August 3rd
Frosh 1st Day: August 15th 1st Day of Instruction: August 16th

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