Career Fair PREP. Career Fair Video OR DVD.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Fair PREP. Career Fair Video OR DVD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Fair PREP

2 Career Fair Video OR DVD

3 Behavior Dos & Donts DO: Act mature, calm, and professional- visitors will treat you like an adult so please act like one! Dress for an job interview - not a night out at a club or a dance. Stand-up straight, smile and have eye contact- This shows confidence and respect. Be proud of who you are! Shake hands firmly- this is always a respectful greeting. Visitors will be expecting this! Say Please and Thank-you

4 Behavior Dos & Donts DO NOT: Be disrespectful- do not cuss, talk back when asked to do something Goof around - no horse playing, throwing things, running, shouting Forget your manners- remember to say please and thank you! Show bad attitude- always make eye contact, remain positive and smile! Dress inappropriately- our visitors do not want to see boxers or bra straps!

5 Attire for Boys Clean shirt Other -Collar ideal but not required - No hats -No advertisements - No hoodies -No holes - No shorts - School Uniforms are fine Clean pantsShoes -Non-jeans ideal, but not requiredLoafers (picture) -Not baggy or low-ridingClean sneakers -No holes- No sandals -No underwear showing- No boots -No sweats

6 Attire for Boys AppropriateInappropriate Loafers

7 Attire for Girls AppropriateInappropriate Shirt: Loose-fitting blouses/shirt Skirts/Dresses/Pants: To knees or below Not tight Shoes: Low heels, loafers, clean sneakers Shirt: Tank tops or bras showing Low cut or see-through Skirts/Dresses/Pants: Avoid jeans or tight pants Shorts Shoes: Shoes that you cannot walk in. You will be on your feet for a long time!

8 Attire for girls AppropriateInappropriate

9 When you enter the fair Pick-up a Backpack (clipboard & pen inside) Search for the balloons with your Career Cluster color Look for the Career Cluster signs to find your Career Cluster Career Cluster Title

10 Inside the fair Where to go: 1.CAREER tables/area - 25 min At least 3 companies/businesses. 2.COLLEGE tables/area - 10 min At least 2 Post-secondary schools 3.HIGH SCHOOL tables/area - 10 min At least 1 high school

11 Raffle Tickets If you impress business representatives, they may award you with a raffle ticket. Write down your full name and school ID. Turn in any raffle tickets in the exit area

12 Leaving the Career Fair LOOK FOR THE LARGE SCREENS Your group name & bus # is green = OK to keep exploring Career Fair Your group name & bus # turns yellow = Proceed to exit corral area Your group name & bus # turns red: YOUR BUS HAS DEPARTED without you.

13 Schedule for the Day ______ Bus loading time ______ Bus departure time (from school) o Distribute booklets and supplies ______ Career Fair check-in o Review school and bus name o Review expectations and procedures ______ Career Fair exit area/corral o Confirm bus group and student count ______ Bus departure time (from Fair) o Collect booklets and supplies

14 Interview role plays Take turns practicing the interview questions from the Career Fair Booklet with a partner Tips to remember: Introduce yourself Smile Shake hands firmly Make eye contact Speak clearly Listen Say thank you

15 The end Please hand in your Career Fair booklets and Career Cluster handouts.

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