Unidad 6 – Lección 1 Objetivos de lección 1: SWBAT talk about sports

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1 Unidad 6 – Lección 1 Objetivos de lección 1: SWBAT talk about sports
Talk about whom you know Talk about what you know by using verb jugar The verbs saber and conocer The personal “a” Unidad 6 – Lección 1

2 Página trescientos veintiuno

3 Unidad 6 – Lección 1 Objetivos de lección 1: SWBAT talk about sports
Goal: Learn how to form the verb jugar. Then practice using jugar to talk about playing sports. Objetivos de lección 1: SWBAT talk about sports Talk about whom you know Talk about what you know by using verb jugar The verbs saber and conocer The personal “a” Unidad 6 – Lección 1

4 Gramática: The Verb jugar
There is more than one way to say the English verb to play in Spanish. Use jugar when you mean playing a sport or a game; use tocar when you mean playing a musical instrument or music from MP3 player. Pg trescientos siete

5 Gramática: The Verb jugar
Use jugar to talk about playing a sport or a game. Jugar is a stem-changing verb in which the u changes to ue in all forms except nostros(as) and vosotros(as). Pg trescientos siete

6 Gramática: The Verb jugar
Pg trescientos siente

7 Práctica: The Verb jugar
Pg trescientos ocho

8 Práctica: The Verb jugar
Juego Juega Juegan Jugamos Juegas Pg trescientos ocho

9 Unidad 6 – Lección 1 Objetivos de lección 1: SWBAT talk about sports
Goal: Learn how to form saber and conocer, as well as use the personal “a”. Then use them to talk about whom and what you know. Objetivos de lección 1: SWBAT talk about sports Talk about whom you know Talk about what you know by using verb jugar The verbs saber and conocer The personal “a” Unidad 6 – Lección 1

10 Gramática: The verb saber and conocer
In Spanish there are 2 verbs that mean “to know”. And both have irregular yo forms in the present tense. Pg trescientos doce

11 Gramática: The verb saber and conocer
Pg trescientos doce

12 Gramática: The verb saber and conocer
Pg trescientos doce

13 Gramática: The verb saber and conocer
Pg trescientos doce

14 Práctica de Gramática Pg trescientos trece

15 Práctica de Gramática Conoces Sabe Conoce Sé Conozco Sabemos Conocer
Saben Pg trescientos trece

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