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The 8 parts of speech By mr. hogan.

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Presentation on theme: "The 8 parts of speech By mr. hogan."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 8 parts of speech By mr. hogan

2 Verbs Nouns Adverbs Pronouns Prepositions Conjunctions Interjections
Proper Common Verbs Action Linking Helping Transitive Intransitive Adverbs Adjectives -Describe nouns Pronouns Subject Case Object Case Prepositions Location Time Movement Conjunctions Coordinating Subordinating Interjections -Show emotion

3 Nouns Proper Nouns Common Nouns
Nouns that belong to a specific person, place, things, or idea. Examples: Neal, Salley, Mr. Hogan, Georgia, Lovinggood, Toyota, or Zaxby’s. Common Nouns Nouns that are non-specific people, places, things, or ideas. Examples: boy, girl, teacher, state, school, car, restaurant, courage, and integrity.

4 verbs Action verbs Linking verbs Helping verbs
An action verbs is a word that expresses an action that the subject of the sentence does. Examples: run jump ski bake Ask yourself, “Can I _______?” If the answer is yes, then it is an action verb. An auxiliary verb, or helping verb, accompanies another verb to help express its tense, mood, or voice. Examples: be (am, is, are, was, were, being, been) do (does, do, did) have (has, have, having) A linking verb connects a subject of the verb to additional information about the subject. A linking verb does not show action. Examples: be (am, is, are, was, were, has, been) become seem

5 adverbs Simple adverbs typically end in –ly.
Adverbs modify or describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs in a sentence. Examples: The baby cried loudly. Loudly modifies the verb cried She wrote a very good essay. Very modifies the adjective good. He performed rather exceptionally today. Rather modifies the adverb exceptionally. Simple adverbs typically end in –ly. The kinds of simple adverbs are: Adverbs of time Adverbs of manner Adverbs of place Adverbs of degree Adverbs of frequency

6 adjectives An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun in a sentence. Examples: She has golden hair. There are twelve eggs in a carton. I want to buy that one.

7 pronouns The team won its game against Valley.
A pronoun is a part of speech that replaces a noun in a sentence. There are many different kinds of pronouns: Personal Possessive Indefinite Relative Reflexive Intensive Demonstrative Interrogative Before understanding pronouns, we first have to know about antecedents. An antecedent is the word that the pronouns refers to or replaces. The team won its game against Valley. Team is the antecedent and its is the pronoun.

8 prepositions A preposition is a word that describes or indicates the location or direction of objects in a sentence. There are several kinds of prepositions: Prepositions of time Prepositions of place Prepositions of movement of on as over without in at into between before to from like out under for by through against around with about after during among

9 Coordinating conjunctions
Types of conjunctions Coordinating conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions A conjunction is a word that connects parts of a sentence together. There are several kinds of conjunctions: Coordinating conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions For – it means because or since And – it means in addition to; also Nor – use this in a neither/nor pair But – shows a contrast or exception Or – shows an alternative Yet – an alternative for but So – means as well or in addition A subordinating conjunction is a conjunction that introduces a subordinate clause and connects it to a main clause to create a complex sentence. Examples:

10 Interjections Examples
An interjection is an abrupt remark or exclamation that is made as an aside or interruption. Interjections may be words or phrases. Think of the interjection as an emotion or reaction inserted into a sentence. oh hello ah oops darn aha yes hey hooray cheers ahem no shoo uh-oh bravo shh yikes ouch whoa hmm wow oh my phew boo gee wiz eh oh well good grief holy cow

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