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1 Porifera

2 What is a Sponge???

3 Metazoans Multicellular animals (3 grades)
Mesozoa - tiny worm-like parasites, few species Parazoa - no true germ layers Placozoa (single species!) Porifera (the Sponges!) Eumetazoa – true germ layers, all other phyla!

4 Porifera = Sponges

5 Characteristics Multicellular, loose aggregation of cells
Body of pores, canals, chambers All aquatic, most marine No organs or true tissues Sessile – does not move

6 Unique Cells Choanocytes
Flagellated cells that create current through the sponge Also used in feeding

7 Structure (skeleton) Spongin Spicules Fibrous protein made of collagen
Skeleton of needle-like spikes Can be made of calcium, silica or a protein called spongin.

8 Respiration, Circulation, Excretion
Choanocytes Creates current of water to get oxygen Get rid of waste from all cells Ostium Small intake pores, water goes IN Osculum Large opening, water goes OUT

9 Nutrition/Digestion Choanocytes
- use collar to filter out small particles of food Archeaocytes - move food around within the sponge Pinacocytes Absorbs nutrients

10 Reproduction Both Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
Choanocytes produce eggs and sperm, although not produced at same time. (monoecious) WHY???? Broken off sponge can produce more sponge Certain Choanocytes will lose their flagella and undergo meiosis

11 Asexual Reproduction

12 Nervous System No real nervous system.
All instructions are at the cellular level…. nucleus Each cell only controls itself… No Brain to control all cells

13 Water Flow in a Sponge Name the cells!

14 Types/Body Shapes of Sponges
Asconoid Syconoid Lueconoid

15 Asconoid one simple canal from pore to central cavity or atrium called the SPONGOCOEL Small, tube shaped sponges

16 Syconoid Folded wall with canals from pore to smaller canal that then goes to the larger central cavity (atrium) Tube-shaped sponges

17 Leuconoid Many canals from pore to smaller incurrent canals that branch repeatedly before arriving at the larger central cavity SPONGOCOEL Most complex of plans, biggest sponges greatly increases food collection surfaces

18 Food Chain Angel fish and hawkbilled sea turtles Rock Beauty Angel
Why don’t more animals eat sponges???

19 Symbiotic relationships
Fairy Crab hiding in the crevice of a barrel sponge Brittle sea star on an Azure vase sponge

20 Human Use of Sponges Sponge Industry Nearly brought Many sponges close to extinction Demosponges – soft, flexible, strong



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