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Chapter 6 Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 Vocabulary

2 Eminent Domain The power to take personal property to benefit the public

3 Veto To cancel a law passed by Congress

4 Oligarchy A gov’t in which a small group of people (small group) decide everything.

5 Constituents People that members of Congress represent

6 Ex Post Facto A law that is made effective prior to the date it was passed *punishes people for actions that were not illegal at the time they were committed (after the fact)

7 Direct Democracy A gov’t in which the people vote directly to make the government’s decisions/laws

8 Concurrent Powers shared by the states and the federal government

9 Domestic Tranquility Maintaining peace within the nation

10 Popular Sovereignty government is subject to the will of the people (We the People)

11 Naturalized Citizen Foreign-born person who becomes a legal citizen

12 Appropriate To set something aside for a particular purpose, especially funds ($$)

13 Reserved Powers retained by the states

14 Executive Order Issued by the President, have the power of law

15 Judicial Review The right of the Supreme Court to decide if a law violates the Constitution

16 Enumerated/Delegated
Powers belonging only to the federal government

17 Impeach To bring formal charges of misconduct or serious crimes against a president or other public figure

18 Federalism Division or sharing of power between federal and state governments

19 Deport Return to country of origin

20 Amendment An addition to a formal document such as the Constitution

21 Implied Powers not specifically mentioned in the Constitution

22 Confederation A group of states under a weak central gov’t

23 Due Process Idea that the government must follow procedures established by law and guaranteed by the Constitution/must be fairly applied

24 Citizen A person who owes loyalty to and is entitled to the protection of a state or nation

25 Indirect Democracy (Representative)
A gov’t in which people elect representatives to make the laws for them.

26 Preamble The introduction to a formal document, especially the Constitution

27 Majority Rule The idea that the greatest number of people in society (largest group) can make policies for everyone

28 Draft Required military service

29 Autocracy a system of government by one person with absolute power.
Related words: absolutism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, tyranny, absolute monarchy

30 Indict Formally accuse of a crime

31 Pardon To free from punishment (from a federal crime)

32 Aristocracy The wealthy or noble classes (the aristocrats-dukes, earls, lords, marquis) have all the power and make all of the laws.

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