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Independent and Dependent

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Presentation on theme: "Independent and Dependent"— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent and Dependent
Clauses Independent and Dependent

2 The Sentence The INDEPENDENT CLAUSE has a subject and a verb
It expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence EXAMPLE The players gathered in the middle of the field before the game began.

3 WHERE can you see THE INDEPENDENT Clause?
You will find the independent clause in the following types of sentences: The SIMPLE SENTENCE The COMPOUND SENTENCE

4 The dependent Clause The dependent clause contains a subject and a verb It does not present a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence EXAMPLE The players gathered in the middle of the field before the game began.

5 Where can you see the dependent clause?
You will see the DEPENDENT CLAUSE in the following sentences: The COMPLEX SENTENCE The COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE

6 Never, never, NEVER. . . Try to pass a dependent clause as a sentence:
Because the teacher told us to study every night. Always attach it to an independent clause: Because the teacher told us to study every night, I have set aside twenty extra minutes to go over my notes.

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