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Economic Activities an Introduction

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1 Economic Activities an Introduction
Mr Boland Geography

2 Economic activities are jobs which people earn money.
The three different types of economic activities are primary, secondary and tertiary economic activities. What do the next your pictures have in common????

3 Primary activities

4 Primary Activities Here people obtain and produce raw materials (natural resources) from the land and the sea. ex. Farming, fishing, forestry & mining.

5 Secondary activities- What is the missing link
?????? ?????? Secondary activities- What is the missing link

6 Secondary activities- Explain what secondary activities are.
Book manufactory Car Factory Secondary activities- Explain what secondary activities are.

7 Secondary Activities- Manufacturing
Here people process or manufacture raw materials often obtained through primary activities. Some manufacturing industries make things from natural resources such as wheat being processed into flour or steel into cars


9 Tertiary Activities Here people carry out all kinds of useful services. People working in these third level activities include doctors, teachers, truck drivers, travel agents Can you list any more?

10 List as many jobs in each sector as you can…
Primary Secondary Tertiary List as many jobs in each sector as you can…

11 Why is there a greater % of people working in primary jobs in a developing country??
Why is there a greater % of people working in tertiary jobs in a developed country??


13 Put the following pictures into one of the main three economic activities. Give a reason for each answer.


15 Types of industry This simple classification exercise could be used as a starter or plenary activity.




19 Summary/ Recap Wheat grown = flour made =
bread made = baker sells and/or truck driver delivers = shopkeeper sells. (list the activities above!) -Primary Activity -Secondary Activity -Tertiary Activity

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