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VEGETABLES and some other plants

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1 VEGETABLES and some other plants
Презентация составлена Куликовой Татьяной Владимировной (СПО «Златоустовский торгово-экономический техникум»)

2 Artichoke a tight head of fleshy leaves, delicious with lemon butter

3 Asparagus Ttender green tips available during a short growing season

4 Aubergine It is a rich purple vegetable that absorbs strong flavours well. The aubergine is called the eggplant in America.

5 Beans high protein seeds of legume plants

6 Beets They are tubers with rich nutty flavours
Beets They are tubers with rich nutty flavours. A sweet variety of beet is grown commercially in Europe and Asia for sugar manufacture.

7 Broccoli green and delicious and full of vitamins

8 Brussels sprouts traditionally eaten with Christmas Dinner in the UK

9 Cabbage the king of vegetables, easy to grow almost anywhere

10 Cauliflower white relative of broccoli

11 Chard a green leafy vegetable

12 Collards This leafy green vegetable is also known as tree-cabbage and is rich in vitamins and minerals.

13 Celery  slightly bitter (unless blanched) stalks with a distinctive flavour, used in salads, stews and soups

14 Maize / Corn (Am.) It is a North American native vegetable considered sacred by many native tribes. Confusingly “corn” is also the word used to describe the seeds of wheat and barley.

15 Cress small peppery sprouts

16 Cucumbers They are related to courgettes and traditionally used raw in salads. The cucumber grows quickly and holds lots of water.

17 Tomato Tomatoes are best grown yourself because the uniform flavourless powdery ones available in supermarkets are not worth eating.

18 Dill the most popular spice in Russia

19 Garlic very useful for health

20 Kohlrabi  Kohlrabi is a member of the turnip family and can be either purple or white.

21 Leek the national vegetable of Wales

22 Lettuce lots of green leaves used in salads

23 Mushrooms They are not technically vegetables, but far older members of the plant kingdom. Mushrooms do not use sunlight to produce energy, hence they have a completely different range of tastes than any other vegetable. 

24 Onions Onions have been eaten for tens of thousands of years and we still aren't bored of them. White and Red are the common colours for onions and they can vary in size from a few millimetres to almost a foot across.

25 Parsley This slightly peppery, fresh-flavored herb is used as a flavoring and garnish.

26 Peas  They are best eaten within minutes of picking as the sugars rapidly turn to starch. Therefore frozen peas often taste better than 'fresh' peas.

27 Hot Pepper The hotter tasting one is usually referred to as chilli.

28 Sweet Pepper a wide variety of mild peppers

29 Turnip The root vegetable will grow in cold climates.

30 Potatoes There is nothing finer than a steaming plate of mashed potatoes. An American staple crop that has been exported all over the world.

31 Carrots  Introduced by the Romans, carrots have been popular for 2000 Years.

32 Radishes They are rich in vitamin C, folate, and potassium
Radishes They are rich in vitamin C, folate, and potassium. The radish is a peppery vegetable popular in western and Asian cookery. We usually eat the taproot, but the leaves can also be eaten in salads.

33 Squash  Butternut Squash has recently grown in popularity in the United Kingdom.

34 Pumpkin A popular gourd vegetable used in cooking and to make Halloween Jack-o-lanterns.

35 Melon There are many farmed varieties
Melon There are many farmed varieties. All have seeds surrounded by rich, watery but sweet flesh that is encased in a fairly hard shell.

36 Watermelon Sweet tasting gourd reaches enormous size.

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