Vocabulary Terms Fourth quarter.

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1 Vocabulary Terms Fourth quarter

2 Weeks 4.1 – 4.3 (3/21 – 4/3)

3 OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.
appease Def: (v.) to make someone calmer, happier, or less angry by giving or saying something desired Ex: A simple apology will appease my wounded pride and make me feel better. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

4 remorseful Def: (adj.) sorry; regretful; guilt-ridden
Ex: the defendant was remorseful for what he had done. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

5 defensive Def: (adj.) very anxious to challenge or avoid criticism
Ex: When asked why he was out so late, he gave a defensive response to his mother. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

6 colloquial Def: (adj.) informal; casual; familiar
Ex: one should not speak to an interviewer in a colloquial tone. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

7 OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.
cynical Def: (adj.) distrustful or scornful of motives/virtues of others; mocking; sneering Ex: After Jane’s husband left her for another woman, she became cynical of love. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

8 impartial Def: (adj.) unbiased; neutral; objective
Ex: The impartial moderator managed the debate and did not show favoritism to either politician. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

9 reverent Def: (adj.) showing deep respect and esteem
Ex: she gave her boss a reverent greeting. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

10 skeptical Def: (adj.) doubting; disbelieving; unconvinced
Ex: Skeptical investors refuse to invest money without a guarantee. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

11 witty Def: (adj.) clever; quick-witted; entertaining
Ex: Robert’s attempt at a witty comeback fell flat, without evoking any kind of laughter. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

12 candid Def: (adj.) truthful; honest; straightforward
Ex: because they had established trust, the student cold be candid with her guidance counselor. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

13 Weeks 4. (4/26 – )

14 malevolent Def: (adj.) having or showing a wish to do evil to others
Ex: In the dark, I could just barely see the glint of his malevolent eyes. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

15 OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.
morbid Def: (adj.) an unusual and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease Ex: in A series of morbid events, people’s chickens and pets were found mutilated. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

16 intimidate Def: (v.) frighten someone, especially in order to make them do what one wants Ex: He tries to intimidate his rivals. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

17 compromise Def: (v.) settle a dispute by mutual agreement
Ex: in the end we compromised and resolved the issue. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

18 integrity Def: (adj.) the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles Ex: atticus was considered to be a man of integrity. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

19 reinforce Def: (v.) strengthen or support
Ex: I sought to reinforce my position. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

20 afflicted Def: (adj.) suffering, distressed, or impaired
Ex: He was afflicted with ringworm. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

21 confined Def: (adj.) restricted; cramped
Ex: Mrs. Dubose was confined to a wheelchair. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

22 unanimous Def: (adj.) in complete agreement
Ex: it was a unanimous vote. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

23 tedious Def: (adj.) boring; unpleasant
Ex: watching paint dry seems tedious. OYO: Now write your own sentence using this term.

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