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LEADERSHIP Orientation Lecture

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1 LEADERSHIP Orientation Lecture
Dr. K. Sivapalan, Dean. 1/11/2019 Leadership

2 What is leadership? Leadership is lifting a personnel vision to higher sights, raising a person’s performance to a higher standard, building a personality beyond its normal limitations. The task of a leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. This requires creativity. The objective of a leader is to lead rather than to be loved. A good leader is more concerned about being followed than being loved.

3 Manage men t. Managing Men Tactfully. Managing involves:
planning, organizing, motivating and controlling. A good leader may NOT be a good manager. Is Doctor a manager or a leader?

4 Management in Medicine.
Politics- Minister of Health, DGHS etc. Big hospitals- Director, DMO etc. Big hospitals- Consultant, SHO, HO Small hospitals MOH Offices. General Practice. Academic institutions.

5 Leadership Qualities. Energy Emotional stability.
Knowledge of Human Relations. Empathy. Objectivity. Personnel motivation Communication skill Teaching ability Social skill Technical competence Courage Will-power Judgment Flexibility Knowledge Integrity Decisiveness Friendliness and affection Ability to relax

6 Goals to Achieve. The organization’s goal The group’s goal
The follower’s goal The personnel goal

7 Autocratic leader.

8 Democratic Leader

9 Free-Rain Leader

10 Leadership Behavior Continum

11 Learning Leadership Where, when, how. Make use of the opportunities
Participation and experience Responsibility and accountability

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