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Romans Roman Politics.

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1 Romans Roman Politics

2 Land is Money=Money is Power
Land is the basis of wealth Agriculture is essential economic activity (80-90% of the population farms) Social status, political privilege, and fundamental values were related to land ownership Few families with large amounts of land form “Council of Elders” Elders are constituted the senatorial class

3 Republic is born 753-507BC seven kings ruled Rome
507BC Members of senatorial class led by Brutus “the liberator” deposed tyrant Tarquinius Superbus Res Publica “public possession”- Republic is created

4 Republic not a Democracy
Votes not counted the same Inequalities led to conflict Struggle for political power between plebeians and patricians called Conflict of Orders

5 Conflict of Class Patrician

6 Who is Who? Patricians Landowners, very wealthy Inherited status
Plebeians Farmers, artisans, merchants Citizens of Rome

7 Roman Senate

8 What is it? 300 members from upper class-Senate
Later plebeians would be accepted Directed and run by Consuls (2 people) Military and Political position, limited power and limited terms

9 Ancient ruins of Roman Senate

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