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The ABC’s of Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "The ABC’s of Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ABC’s of Culture

2 Appearance Includes the color of one’s skin, types of head coverings, clothing styles and materials, hair styles and lengths, kinds of materials used in making jewelry, and make-up.

3 Beliefs These are types of religions and practices. This also includes superstitions, types of ceremonies, etc.

4 Communication How do most people get their information?
These are what types of communication technology is used. How do most people get their information? What is the official language?

5 Dates These are important historical dates/ and or holidays.

6 Economy Who do they trade with? What are their imports and exports?

7 Food How is the food prepared?
What are the foods that are prepared for special occasions? Who prepares the food? What spices are used? How is food stored and eaten? What are foods typical to the area?

8 Government What kind of government do they have? Democrat Republican

9 Human-Environment Interaction
What does man do that changes or alters the environment (good or bad)? Panama Canal, Green Revolution (S. Asia)

10 Information/Education
What is the literacy rate? Who attends school and for how long? Are there places of higher learning?

11 Jobs What do people do to make a living?
What are some of the economic activities?

12 Kinds…. Kinds of environment or physical features found in the region, this will also include water features.

13 Location Where is the country or area (absolute and relative location)?

14 Movement The movement of people, goods and ideas. This could also include migration information, colonial expansion, and immigration of people. This could also include how people get around.

15 Nationalism What people, places and things spark feelings of loyalty and patriotism.

16 Organizations Is the country a member of a major world organization? Such as NATO or the European Union?

17 Population What kinds of ethnic groups are there?

18 Quality What is the quality of life? This includes birth and death rates, medical care and life expectancy.

19 Resources What kinds or types of natural resources are found in the area?

20 Shelter Describe the types and kinds of homes, dwellings and buildings typically found in the area.

21 Taboos What behaviors are not acceptable in the culture?

22 Urban/Rural What is the population distribution and the density for the area.

23 Vacation/Recreations
What do people do for fun?

24 Weather What is the weather like?
What is the climate for the region like?

25 Xeriscape What is the natural vegetation like in the climate regions described?

26 Yearly What is the yearly income of some of the professions?

27 Zoology What kinds of animals are native to the area?


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