Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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Presentation on theme: "Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 Only Jesus Qualifies Selected Scriptures
Christmas is becoming an increasingly secular celebration Advent Calendars: Best Seller Top Rated Most Bizarre & Disturbing My Favorite Murder Advent Calendar Amazon’s Choice Buyer’s Choice

3 Only Jesus Qualifies Selected Scriptures
American society is moving away from Jesus, but Christians must continue to move closer to Him

4 When was Jesus born? A.D. = annō Dominī, meaning “in the year of the Lord.” B.C. = “before Christ.” Jesus was born between B.C. Traditional dates of December 25 and January 6 may be more related to Saturnalia than Jesus’ birth

5 When was Jesus born? Jesus was probably born in the Fall or Spring by the timing of Zacharias’ service Neither the Jews nor early Christians marked or celebrated a birthday - that came is from Astrology

6 When was Jesus born? Romans 14:5-6 - to either observe or not observe a day is up the individual before the Lord Celebration of Jesus’ birth is proper only as far as it has the Biblical belief about Jesus and His life

7 When was Jesus born? The day and year of Jesus birth is not recorded, but He came at the right time - Galatians 4:4-5

8 First Qualification: Correct Genealogy
Genesis 12:3 - Messiah had to be a descendant of Abraham Genesis 17:19 - Messiah had to be a descendant of Isaac (not Ishmael) Genesis 28:14; 35: Messiah had to be a descendant of Jacob (not Esau)

9 First Qualification: Correct Genealogy
Genesis 49: Messiah had to be a descendant of Judah 2 Samuel 7:12-13; Isaiah 9:7 - Messiah had to be a descendant of King David & an heir to his throne

10 Second Qualification: Correct Place of Birth
Matthew 2:1-6, the star prophesied in Numbers 24:17 led the Magi to the place of Jesus birth Micah 5:2 - Messiah had to be born in Bethlehem Ephrathah

11 Second Qualification: Correct Place of Birth
It was the location of Rachel’s burial (Gen. 35:19) & named for Judah’s grandson, Ephrathah (1 Chron. 4:4) It is the ancestral home of king David (Ruth) Mary & Joseph went there because of Caesar’s decree

12 Third Qualification: Correct Time of His Birth
To fulfill the prophecy of Daniel 9:24-25, Messiah had to be born within a limited time frame Very few could meet these requirements, the next few prophecies reduce it to only Jesus

13 Fourth Qualification: Avoiding the Curse Jeremiah 36:30
Messiah could not be of the blood line of Jehoiakim - Jeremiah 36:30 The blood line would have to come from the mother, and the right to the throne by an adoptive father

14 Fourth Qualification: Avoiding the Curse Jeremiah 36:30
Jesus’ blood line to David is through Mary, and through His adoptive father, Joseph, the right his throne No one else has ever claimed a right to David’s throne, but any contention is ended by the next requirements

15 Fifth Qualification: Born of a Virgin Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23
Any question about the Hebrew for virgin in Isaiah 7:14 is clarified by the Greek in Matthew 1:23 Luke 1: the miracle would take place by the power of the Holy Spirit The virgin avoided the curse of sin so that Jesus was sinless and qualified to be the substitute sacrifice

16 Sixth Qualification: The Son of God Psalm 2:6-7; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7; Matthew 1:23
The Messiah would have to be the Son of God

17 The Nature of Jesus Claiming and actually being the son of God are two different things - Jesus proved His claim Matthew - Jesus is the promised Messiah Mark - Jesus is the Son of God Luke - Jesus is the God-man who came to seek and save the lost

18 The Nature of Jesus John - Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and through believing in Him you can receive eternal life Jesus had authority over nature - Matthew 8:26; John 2; 6 Jesus had authority over disease and sickness - Matthew 4; 8; 12; Mark 2; Luke 5; John 5; 9

19 The Nature of Jesus Jesus had authority over demons: Matthew 8:28f; Mark 1; 5 Jesus had authority to forgiven sin - Matthew 9:6 Jesus had authority over life & death - Matthew 9; John 11; Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20

20 His Purpose in Coming A baby is not a threat, but Jesus, the son of God, is a threat to all of love sin - but hope for the righteous Jesus did not become a man so we could have a winter celebration, He came to redeem man from sin

21 His Purpose in Coming Jesus understood both His purpose and the plan from the beginning (John 2:19-21; Phil. 2:5-11; John 17) Jesus is coming again - but it will be as conquering Lord of Lords and King of Kings (Revelation 19)

22 Christians have a reason to celebrate Jesus’ birth as we await His return
If you are not ready for Jesus’ return, you can get ready today – and have a real reason to celebrate Christmas

23 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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