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How DNA Works.

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1 How DNA Works

2 What is so important about proteins?
Proteins determine the physical traits Control cellular functions Proteins do everything and DNA gets all of the credit. There are 20 different amino acids your body needs, your body makes 12 of them. You must get the remaining 8 from a healthy diet.

3 What is Protein Synthesis?
When a cell uses information from a gene on a chromosome to produce a specific protein. There are 2 basic parts to Protein Synthesis Part A of protein synthesis is called Transcription, it is when the DNA code is transcribed into RNA code. Part B of protein synthesis is called Translation, it is when the RNA code is translated into a protein.

4 Snapshot of Protein Synthesis

5 #1 Begins in the nucleus Instructions are needed from DNA Send in a messenger to get the code (pattern)

6 #2 The copy is called mRNA (messenger RNA)
Takes message into the cytoplasm. It is single-stranded Uracil (U) replaces Thymine (T) Different kind of sugar (ribose)

7 #3 Group of 3 bases = codon = amino acid

8 #4 mRNA is fed through the ribosome One codon at a time

9 #5 tRNA (transfer RNA) delivers the amino acid
There are 64 – 3 letter codes – they code for 20 different amino acids

10 #6 tRNA leaves and the amino acid stays as a chain is formed.

11 #7 Chain of amino acids = protein Protein is released.

12 UAU CCG AGU GCA DNA and Protein Synthesis – Codons and amino acids
Name the Amino Acid: UAU CCG AGU GCA Tyrosine Proline Serine Alanine

13 Protein Synthesis Lab DNA – mRNA – tRNA –
ATG AAA AAC AAG GTA CAC ATC TAG DNA – mRNA – tRNA – Amino Acids for each anti-codon (Orange Cards) Completed Protein Chain will be a sentence. Each must have a “start” and “stop” codon. UAC UUU UUG UUC CAU GUG UAG AUC AUG AAA AAC AAG GUA CAC AUC UAG

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